Are You Moving in the Right Direction?
Pat Rigsby
Helping Fitness & Sports Performance Business Owners Scale, Optimize, & Build Wealth
This is something I think we all need to ask ourselves pretty regularly:
'Am I moving in the right direction?'
It's all too easy to look back at the previous 12 months and see that you're no closer to your Ideal Business than you were a year ago.
We get caught up in the day to day of what we need to do to just operate and we lose sight of where we want to go.
Are you spending time doing work you enjoy?
Are you making sure that your personal life and personal goals are being given enough attention and not steamrolled by your business?
Are you working with the right people?
Maybe the answers aren't what you want them to be...yet.
But you can course correct...and you can start today.
Look, about 2.5 years ago I did a big course correction and it was professionally the best thing I've ever I am speaking from experience when I say that you can do it too.
It's simple an assessment of where you are today (point A), where you want to go (point B)and making sure you're following a path that will take from point A to point B.
But you can't know if you're in the right path until you understand your current spot and your desired destination.
So give it some thought.
Do an honest audit of where you are and where you're going.
Then correct as needed.
And if I can be of help...comment and let me know.