You are Moon of the sky, I am the dust

You are Moon of the sky, I am the dust

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From what everything the astronauts that have been there have a written or spoken about, it is incredibly desolate yet beautiful. Every shade of gray imaginable with pitch black skies because there’s no air to reflect sunlight. And the surface is hard compacted lava and Basalt rock. Everything is covered in a fine layer of dust from cosmic rays and asteroid impacts grinding up this basalt rock. this just turned out to be quite the problem on the missions that Apollo under took because it sticks to everything through static electricity. And is quite abrasive and damaging to joints and seals. Also because it’s such a fine dust, it was causing a lot of allergic reactions to those who breathed it in. (I can’t believe I have to add to this, but this is after they entered their spacecraft and re-pressurized and took off their space suits. Yes, someone actually made that comment how could they have allergy reactions if inside a spacesuit)

The gravity in the moon is one-sixth of the gravity on Earth. The point is moon got enough gravity to hold things in the ground. Basically, gravity works by distortion of space by mass of the object. Mass of the moon is 7.35 x 10^22 kg, actually a good mass and you can feel the gravity. If you throw an object from the moon, you need to achieve the escape velocity which is 2.38 km/s (which is more than the speed of sound). This detail shows that arguably the moon has good gravity to hold the dust in the surface. The atmosphere in the moon is the debatable topic and it may not hold the atmosphere like our planet.

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How can you imagine “it is common” to hear people coating their car with moon-dust – when there is only one car in the whole world that is coated with moon dust? You are talking about Krishna Singh a businessman in Florida who has spent about 4 million dollars on a paint job for his rare car the Aston Martin Valkyrie which cost him 3.2 million dollars. Krishna Singh claims that he has sourced the genuine moon dust from the rocks that were brought to Earth by the Apollo astronauts. Exactly how much of the dust was mixed with the paint is not known – but estimates say that it may have been about 85 gm or so, at $50,000 per gram. Here is a photo of the car and the proud owner:

In nutshell, moon’s gravity is low when we compare to earth’s gravity. Otherwise, it is good enough to hold things like dust in the surface. The moon glows primarily because it is in the sunshine, which is odd when you see it at night, because you don’t think of the sun lighting things up at night. But it’s up there where the sun shines all the time (except on the rare occasions that the Earth gets in the way). By the way, the moon is approximately the color or asphalt, which makes it strange that it looks white as un-aged cheese. Again, this is because we are just not used to things in full sunlight at night.

Near a new moon, you can see the “dark” side of the moon very faintly. In this case, the moon is being lit by the Earth. The Earth is much brighter than the moon, being much bigger and covered with water. The Earth, of course, shines by the reflected light of the sun, just like the moon. The moon also glows in infrared, as do all warm things. This is called “blackbody radiation”. You can’t see it, but it might still be considered a “glow”.

From an esoteric perspective, the moon is considered a dead planet. Its use is simply as a convenient visual indicator. At the time of the full moon, it is ‘out of the way’, so to speak, with the Earth and the Sun in full and unimpeded alignment. That direct line of contact allows for a heightened interplay between the two. The reflected light from the Moon adds to that. The stimulation can be (and is) handled and channelled in group format, month by month. It can have an unbalancing effect on those sensitive to the impact, as hospitals and care homes already know.

There are said to be 3 major full moon periods each year, with the remaining 9 (sometimes 10) acting as ‘supporting reinforcements’, if I can put it that way. Each has a theme, linked to the astrological (Sun) sign at the time. This theme is woven into the group meditation used. Now on full moon day water rises on all water bodies. This means moons influence on fluids is more on full moon day. Similarly, human body has 70% water and this water or fluids tend to rise as well. Similarly moon seems to affect our minds and emotions on full moon day and doctors take special care for their patients in asylum. For a spiritual person, this is a boon for him to elevate his spiritual mood with the assistance of moons attraction on that day. Hence anyone seriously perusing spiritual path does not leave full moon day. Many sages like Buddha have attained on a full moon day which is a clear indication of benefits one receives on a full moon day.

The Importance of Moon Energy: In astrology, the Sun represents our outer world- our identity, our personality, our ego. It is how we show up in the world and shine our light. It represents our masculine energy and offers us strength and courage and illuminating insights from our soul. The moon, on the other hand, represents our inner world- our subconscious mind, our hidden emotions, our desires, our shadow selves, our fears and worries and also our dreams. It represents the feminine energy within and allows us to learn from our past and express ourselves creatively.

Additionally, the moon is the closest celestial body to the earth and it is closely related to the element of water. Science says that the moon is responsible for the tides at sea. Since 70 percent of the human body is also made of water, it is only natural that we respond to the call of the moon as well. The Spiritual Significance of the Full Moon: While the New Moon is a time to set new intentions and recharge, the full moon is a time period where those intentions often come into fruition. During the full moon, you will likely feel a surge in creativity and emotions and want to express yourself fully. Be sure to put this creative energy to good use.

The full moon is also a great time to meditate on the Mother Goddess and express gratitude for her blessings. You can even meditate on her form and chant mantras, inviting her power to come and heal you and your family. Group meditation as a family would be even more effective during these trying times. Full moon or Purnima means moon taking its complete full form. The way moon slowly slowly travels to the path of fullness similarly, for ordinary people slowly reaching the full form, meaning purnatwa or spiritual fulfilment, is known as full moon in spirituality. Cheers!


