Are you missing holidays?
Do you feel like you need a vacation? I’d certainly love one! Most of us could probably use a good break from the incessant news and social media outlets that we carry around with us on our electronic devices. Or maybe you’re feeling the effects of the diminished social contact that many are dealing with, I think that most of us are carrying around a certain amount of stress and unease right now from both the pandemic and fraught political environment.
For that reason, this week, I’m proposing that we enrich our days with “mini-vacation” or “staycation” moments. Here are a few suggestions that I’ve implemented to make my day more balanced and enjoyable. You may have some suggestions of your own.
Starting Your Day
Be mindful of how you begin your day. Get rid of any abrasive or annoying alarms and opt for something more pleasant and soothing instead. Smart phones offer a wide variety of alarm sounds. Chimes are my preferred choice and a gentle way to wake up. Calm music is another option.
Take the time to stretch. When you shower or bathe in the morning, let the warm water loosen your muscles. Or after showering, take time to stretch to release any stored tension or tightness. This will help you feel more relaxed and prepared for the day.
Eat a healthy breakfast. A nutritious, balanced meal gives you energy and has a mood-enhancing effect that starts the day out right.
Ending Your Day
Your home is your sanctuary and your castle! Don’t carry your “outside” thoughts and concerns into your home. Leave them at the door and honour your personal space.
Enjoy a light, nutritious dinner. Make sure the television is turned off, and eat at your leisure, savouring the tastes and textures of your meal. You can also enjoy conversation over dinner with your family or housemates. If you’re alone, soothing music can enhance your meal.
Unwind with an activity you enjoy. After dinner, take time to do something you enjoy… a hobby, a good book, or perhaps an evening stroll.
The idea here is to make a concerted effort to create special, pleasant moments throughout your day! If you’re able to relax and unwind on a daily basis, then you’ll get more pleasure from your day and be able to fully enjoy those actual “vacations” when that time comes around!