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Individualized Inventory Distribution - A Real-Life Example

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Dynamic inventory and feature-based management give accommodation providers a revolutionary new method to overhaul their distribution—what we call 'individualized distribution.' This approach lets them showcase their rooms in many different ways across various sales channels. For example, a hotel could customize a room to be a 'budget-friendly single' on one website, while marketing the same room as a modern single with a view' on another, depending on the audience they’re targeting.

For instance, a leisure hotel in a secondary city in Germany, which has adopted this innovative approach, has begun offering 'Lucky Rooms' through selected Online Travel Agents (OTAs) while providing hyper-personalized options on direct channels. Initial outcomes indicate a notable enhancement in guest satisfaction across all channels. Guests who booked a 'Lucky Room' via an OTA were pleased because they anticipated the 'anything could happen' aspect of the 'Lucky Room' concept, while those who booked directly received precisely what they expected. At the same time, the average rate of room sales has increased since the Lucky Room was not the lowest-priced room product, and guests paid, on average, 20% higher rates for personalized room products through direct channels.

A new era for Distribution

The advantages of an individualized distribution are significant: hotel operators gain unprecedented control of their distribution mix and deeper insights into their inventory, paving the way for smart room assignments, more effective upselling and a richer digital experience for guests and the opportunity of providing a better incomparable booking experience through their direct channels.




