Are you 'minded' to be more successful this year?
Even with the Covid pandemic, the start up business scene is still very healthy here in the UK with nearly 80 new businesses created every hour during 2021 (an increase of 32%?on 2019).
Not unsurprisingly, London’s local authorities accounted for the top 4 growth areas with Camden at the top and hackney in second place. Birmingham came in fifth and enterprising Essex came in the sixth (followed by Kent and Hertfordshire respectively).
Whilst many think that becoming an entrepreneur is a young person's game, research shows that the most successful businesses are usually started by middle-aged men and women who have greater experience and want to apply this in their field. They are also typically more financially secure (with children having left home and mortgagees payed off) - so starting a new venture is much less of a risk.
Where younger entrepreneurs lack greater experience and deeper pockets, they can certainly make up for this with being more tech savvy, open to new learning and having the energy levels to put in the hours needed to get a fledging businesses established and thriving.
Another factor that can compensate for a lack of experience is having a more open minded approach to taking on risk. This in known as having a growth mindset, which is the opposite to having a fixed mindset (where people believe that their inherent qualities e.g. intelligence and talent, are simply fixed traits, so they limit their ambitions and don't take risks).
The mind is like any other muscle in the body and has to be worked for it to develop and work more entrepreneurially but it's certainly not too late for anyone to rewire their thinking and become more risk taking and growth minded (even 'longer in the tooth' existing business owners).
This mind remapping process does, however require a better understanding of what might hold us back in the first place, such as self-limiting beliefs (mental baggage) which we've been carrying around with us since childhood or a belief that we simply aren't talented enough to succeed!
'Mental-baggage' falls mainly under the guise of behavioural science, which I (as a qualified EFT coach) and my co-coach and trainer Professor Mike Ferguson (business psychologist and master coach) - will be covering in a unique one day collaborative 'Master the Science of Success' bootcamp on the 3rd March at the Civic Centre in Chelmsford.
Mike will take you and other like-minded attendees through the workings of self image psychology, whilst I will cover the fringe science topics of the law of attraction and manifestation. At the end of the day you will have your own unique and defined 'success vision' and a bespoke 'success blueprint' - for putting into place the necessary actions and habits for achieving greater success across your future work, home and private life.
If your new year's resolution is to get off your home-working seat and do something about your (as yet) unfulfilled life potential, then follow the link below to book your place for this unique, life changing event - but hurry as places are strictly limited: Master The Science of Success