You Might Need New Friends
Whether you realize it or not the people that you hang around with will have an influence on you. An example of this fact occurred a few years ago after having lunch with my good friend Dave Strathmann. After lunch that particular day I felt motivated and more enthusiastic about my job. Dave is one of those positive personalities that always looks on the bright side of life and although Dave does not work in my industry he has become a very important resource for me.
These days I try to surround myself with positive successful people that are going somewhere. I have my inner circle of friends that I meet with at least once a month. These six people are all outside my industry but are very smart and tops in their individual fields of work. After each lunch meeting I feel uplifted and more motivated because of what I have learned. These men are creative and are always thinking about what’s next.
If you are in a sales position you need to stay away from negative, critical, complainers. These negative people do not care whether you win or lose in life. Get away from these people. No whinners, sissies, victims, or crybabies are allowed in your world. Hang out with the winners and you will become a winner.
“If you are the smartest person in your circle of friends, you need more friends.”
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