You Are a Meat Body!
Surprised? “I am a MEAT BODY!!!” Now, what does this mean? Well, let me explain to you all.
We all know the food chain, correct? Please refer below:
In this food chain 1.0, humans are considered to be the Apex Predators. Reason? Because they are not consumed by anything.
All the remaining levels in the 1.0 are consumed at one or the other time and hence they become the “Meat Bodies”. The reason why I titled this food chain as “1.0” is because this has now become an old chain. There is a new food chain – Food Chain 2.0 in which humans are no longer the Apex Predators. In this 2.0, we are getting consumed by something. Surprised again? Let’s see below, how 2.0 looks:
As you can see in the 2.0 chain, Humans are no more seated at the top spot. Technology & Materialistic Pleasures have taken the top spot of the Apex Predators.
Materialistic Pleasures like greed, ego, over-competitiveness & the obstinacy to be ahead of the made us fall in the second place. These materialistic pleasures & technological advancements are dominating us and we are getting over-dependent on them.
As the famous saying goes – “Nothing in this world is perfect, everything has its Pros & Cons”. This basically means that it is totally upon us whether to use the “Pros” and make it as a supporting system for us or use the “Cons” and become dependent on them. Anything used in a limit is always helpful to us, problems arise when we start over-using it and totally surrender ourselves to it.
Whether they are the materialistic pleasures or technology, it is upon us how we want to use it, whether as our support system or as a dominating system on us. The current scenario shows that we are getting dependent on these things to the extent that we have got addicted to it. This basically means these things are dominating us and we are getting consumed by it to the extent that it has started impacting our mental and physical well-being. People are losing their health including lives while chasing these things
We are being consumed by the new Apex Predators and thus are becoming “Meat Bodies”.
It is “we” who have dis-positioned ourselves from the top position and it is “us” only who can again become the Apex Predators. So let us stop becoming the meat bodies and ensure that we never get displaced from the top position in the food chain.