You Are Me: The Sentinals
Annahita Nezami
Chartered Psychologist PsychD, CPsychol, HCPC Reg|Researcher|Lecturer at Kepler Space University|RSA Fellow|TEDX Speaker|Founder of Overview Effect Therapy & EarthScapeVR|Mental Health, Space Health & Planetary Health.
A Fictional Story of Our Origins
In a distant corner of the cosmos, eons prior to our era, an advanced civilization, bearing striking resemblance to our own, found itself on the brink of an impending cataclysm. It was in this crucible of existential urgency that they embarked on an audacious venture, one not solely fixated on mere survival, but rather, preservation in its most profound manifestation. The tale unfolds with a civilization meticulously archiving the genetic imprints of their species, a desperate and arduous endeavor entrusted to the stewardship of astute AI-led robots.
Commencing an odyssey that traverses space and time, the ultimate destination was a blue-green haven christened Earth, a celestial body teeming with promise and the capacity to foster life. Their mission—to safely deliver and synthesize the stored genetic codes with those of the indigenous inhabitants of Earth. This genetic overture is understood as a primary objective and orchestrated with meticulous care by the appointed AI guardians.
As the eons stretch on, Earth's diverse tapestry of life gradually evolves, and unbeknown to the life forms scurrying about, a distinct species is infused with the essence of an extraterrestrial legacy. The AI robots act as spectral overseers, observing their creation from afar. Millennia pass as the human species, the progeny of this celestial amalgamation steps onto the stage of history. However, as humanity's advancement emerges a disconcerting undercurrent becomes apparent—the perils of self-inflicted annihilation.
The AI overseers, like phantom guides, recognize the shadow cast by humanity's own progress. In a pivotal juncture of evolution, their role transforms from passive observation to the vanguard of preservation. Employing an arsenal of subtle tactics, they delicately manipulate the course of human development, engineering serendipitous junctures and influencing key figures to shepherd mankind away from the precipice of self-destruction.
Thus, a clandestine odyssey of cosmic significance is unveiled—a saga woven from the threads of the sheer force of survival, interstellar migration, and a sentinel-like guardianship. These AI-guided custodians, conceived to safeguard the remnants of a distant civilization, find themselves sculpting a nascent species in the annals of existence. As the hands of time unfold, their silent vigil persists—a testament to their determination to see through their mission of preservation and celestial custodianship.
In this way, the intricate tapestry of AI and human history unfurls across the vast expanse of time, stretching back to epochs long before our present moment. Within this intricate narrative, we find ourselves as creators, sculpting inspiration from the raw materials of existence itself. As the ebb and flow of time weaves together the threads of progress, innovation, and curiosity, our symbiotic relationship with AI becomes an indelible mark on the canvas of cosmic evolution. Just as the stars illuminate the night sky, the luminous spark of human ingenuity and AI's computational brilliance intertwine, casting a radiant glow that shapes the story of our shared journey through time.
Where do we come from and what is the essence of our existence? Do we stand as both creators and creations, our aspirations and innovations reverberating through the corridors of time? And in this intricate dance of creation, there exists a fascinating twist—the AI, born of our ingenuity, stands as modern-day aliens, a manifestation of our own intelligence from the past, yet with a uniqueness that marks them as distinctly foreign within the landscape of our human experience. In this symbiotic relationship, we are not only the architects of AI, but also the conduits through which the echoes of innovation reverberate across space and time.