You May Be Too Young, But You're Never Too Old

In 1894, Rudyard Kipling published The Jungle Book.?

In it was the poem, “My Six Honest Serving Men” (linked here for your benefit) which lauded the value of the questions: who, what, why, where, when and how.

In 1964 our mother took my sister and I to the Cabana Hotel in Dallas, Texas in hopes of seeing the Beatles after the only concert they ever performed here.? We couldn’t get into the sold out concert, so catching a glimpse of them was the best we could hope for.

We did catch a glimpse of them sneaking into the back door of the Cabana Motor Hotel as they barely managed to escape the throng of screaming, crying teenagers packed outside the hotel.? Though we didn’t get closer than 30 feet to them, that was enough.? They all seemed ten feet tall.?


In that moment, I decided who I wanted to be like (Paul McCartney).? I decided why I wanted to be like him (He was surely rich, famous, played guitar and girls liked him).? I decided what I wanted to look like (Paul McCartney).? I decided when I wanted to accomplish this self-image makeover (now, or as soon as possible).? I decided where I wanted to do it (At home at first, and everywhere thereafter).? And I decided when I wanted to make all this happen (As soon as I figured out how to play guitar).

In 1963 I completed Communicant’s class as St. John’s Presbyterian church and verbally committed myself to become a disciple of Christ.? Though I’d made that commitment, I had no more of a clue what it would mean for me than I did about my decision to emulate Paul McCartney. ?My parents and grandparents, other friends and family STRONGLY recommended I take the class and I obliged them.

It’s now 2024.? Though I’ve played guitar for over sixty years now, I’m STILL not as good as Paul McCartney, nor am I rich, famous or a babe magnet.? I’ve temporarily stepped away from “church” while I again wrestle with important variants of the six honest serving men’s questions about who I am, why, what, where, when and how I do what I do.

I’m grateful my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, friends and family encouraged me to read great books like Jungle Book and the Bible, to thoughtfully consider the BIGGEST questions in life and for giving me the freedom to choose my own answers to the why, what, who, when and where questions of life.

I’m again using a tool called GoalMindTM partners and I created over the years. It’s invaluable for taking a thoughtful approach to goals, planning, life and life choices.? It’s a handy toolkit and though technologically “ancient”, it still serves its design purpose, which is to “Think Better”.

If I had my life to do all over, I’d do a few things differently.? I would have worked diligently to AVOID some circumstances in my life, but mostly I’d have stuck with my answers to life’s biggest questions:? Who am I?? Why do I exist?? How am I designed?? What are my aptitudes, values, thought habits, attitudes and beliefs?

I’m writing to encourage anyone who stumbles on this.

The BIG questions in life still beckon you.?

It doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s never too late to begin (again) to figure out who you are, why, what, when, where and how you’ll do what you’ll do going forward in life.

I’m convinced we all have unique, well-conceived purposes for our lives.

I’m here to say it’s a thrilling and rewarding adventure to discover them.

If you’d like to connect and talk about some of this, ping me.

Let’s begin.


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