You Matter! You Matter! You Matter!

You Matter! You Matter! You Matter!

How often do you question your self-worth? We can do it in very subtle and overt ways. If someone treats you poorly, you can think “I’m not worth it.” A good mental response is to think I’m valuable and move on. Make it easy on yourself and accept that person’s point of view as theirs…not yours.

You may think “If I land this job, I will matter,” “If I find my perfect soul mate, I will matter", ”If I buy this, I will matter.” Having these thoughts takes you out of the present moment, and it affects your self-worth. Accept that YOU MATTER and when you catch yourself having harmful thoughts, own your power and change that thought.

Appreciating who you are today is the first step. You do matter. Then maintaining a healthy outlook on your future goals knowing you matter keeps your energy and enthusiasm high. Practicing the I Matter Meditative Movement can be a great way to retrain your body and your brain to know YOU Matter!

Chamuel, formally known as Ellie

onlyMe! is Available

In honor of October’s Mental Health Awareness month, we are releasing the onlyMe! eBook to give you an additional resource to care for your entire self.

Here’s one reader’s perspective

“I enjoy the easy access of this learning for my authentic self. Too many times in other books, they have too many words and demos to do. This e-book is the right length and content for me to learn. At 79 years of age, I am experiencing growth at a rapid happening and living life (most of the time) in positive values. Chamuel is a natural, love her upbeat attitude and easy to learn her way of sharing.”

The eBook is 23 pages long, has 3 Meditative Movements videos to start you on your journey into knowing yourself more.

A 2017 University of MN research study showed the Meditative Movement technique reduces anxiety, depression and fatigue while improving emotional and functional wellbeing. Other benefits were better sleep, more calm, more faith in the future.

Check it out and see if it’s right for you. onlyMe!

More Evidence YOU MATTER!

The job you have, the car you drive, the way you look, and your relationship status does not define whether you matter or not. YOU MATTER! Life wants you to be here. Now are your beliefs, attitudes and perceptions in alignment with this truth.

It may be difficult to comprehend the ways we have made a difference in the world. Especially when we are constantly focusing on doing more to prove to ourselves that we matter. Take a higher view of your life. I invite you to:

1. take time to look at your current self and realize that you are wonderful. Your body is a marvel of divine architecture, you desires are holy, and your passions are born from your soul.

2. think of all the simple miracles of life like the sun and moon rising and setting

3. feel gratitude for all that you have been given

4. start a daily list of the ways you have made a difference in your own growth and acknowledge if you have shared your gifts with others.

You can love being here. I believe the key to feeling your intrinsic worth is to affirm yourself. It begins with telling yourself you do matter. Hence practicing the I Matter Meditative Movement gives you an easy way to retrain your body and your brain to know that.


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