Are you making loss in stock market ?
Omkar Patki
More than 18 Years of experience in Indian Stock Market. Let's connect to Make Money.
Are you making loss consistently in Trading Stocks ?
Want Solution for this ?
Stock Markets are totally unpredictable by nature.General people like us waste most of their time and resources in predicting future movement of a stock or index. For that we use various Indicators / moving averages / Oscillators and what not.
After using all the available resources we loose . Why ?
Have you ever entered Trade where you were right about the direction
of the stock but still lost money due to some unforeseen event.
I am pretty sure the answer is Yes.
Short term Stock market moves are random.Whether the stock goes up or down
50:50 chance,like a Coin flip.We need to increase chances to end our trade in profit.
At this point I am pretty sure that many people will say I know so and so guy
who makes huge money in Trading.
Stock Market is zero sum game,One wins other loose.Nothing is guaranteed here.
I know one thing clearly that no one knows where the stock is going to move for sure
up/down/sideways.This is the only reason where 90% of trades loose money.
They focus on predicting future prices instead of using right strategy.
Concentrate on maximizing your profits and minimizing losses.
We need to use such a strategy that our trade ends up some profit if our view goes
completely wrong.
Smart traders don't predict the next stock move because they know that predicting next move
is not a right strategy.They just use right strategy and increase chances of ending their
trade in profit.