Are you making these LinkedIn mistakes?
Claire Madison
Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) ★ LinkedIn Branding Specialist ? Transforming Careers with Customized Resumes & Powerful LinkedIn Strategies
LinkedIn is one of the best tools for your career growth. It is a place where you can find new opportunities and connect with new people from your industry. LinkedIn also helps you build lasting relationships with professionals.
Did you know that you can use LinkedIn to boost your job search? If you have optimized your LinkedIn profile, you will have no trouble attracting employers on the platform. However, certain mistakes you make on LinkedIn will jeopardize your job search. Here’s what you must avoid:
Only using LinkedIn when you are on a job search
If the only time you run to LinkedIn is in the middle of a job search, you are already falling behind your competition. The best time to be active on the platform is now – before you are in need. Now is the time for you to build and expand your professional network on the platform and interact with content shared by potential employers.
Not touching up your profile regularly
If you have a “set it and forget it” attitude regarding LinkedIn, you may not fare so well in the modern job market. As your career achievements update over the months, so should your LinkedIn profile. Make a habit of updating professional achievements, qualifications, and skills on the platform regularly.
Not engaging with your network
Wallflowers don’t get noticed by employers. If you want professionals to notice you on LinkedIn, you must interact with their content. Seek out opportunities to connect with professionals from your industry. Make a habit of participating in conversations on LinkedIn. You can also leave a comment outlining your professional opinions.
Waiting for others to initiate
If you want to receive a recommendation from someone on LinkedIn, the best thing to do is to endorse them first. You will fare better when you initiate conversations and actions that help others. If you are in the middle of a job search, you can reach out to people and ask for informational interviews rather than wait for someone to offer help.
Treating the number of connections as a vanity number
There is no race to get 500+ connections on LinkedIn. If you keep adding connections just to expand your network, you are going about it in the wrong way. When you add new connections on LinkedIn, you should be careful to add useful connections. These include people in your industry, thought leaders, experts, people working for your target employers, etc.
Not using all the features
There are tons of features on LinkedIn to help businesses and job seekers. No matter your goal, there are features to help you flourish on the platform. Get the full use of the features that LinkedIn offers you. If you are not sure about the features that are available, you can search the internet for a recent article or video that explains it all.
Restricting networking to LinkedIn
If you are searching for a job opportunity, you may want to consider taking your professional relationships beyond the platform. You can meet someone for a coffee or a quick weekly catch-up. You can also arrange informational interviews with employees who already work for your target companies.