Are you majoring in the minors???
Taylor Somerville
I help busy professionals take back control of their lives so they have more time, more energy, and less stress.Breathwork || Mindset || Stress Management
Do you worry more about what supplements you’re taking than the food you eat?? Do you consistently jump around to whatever the latest podcast or wellness influencer tells you to do?
Are you tracking all your data and still have a high resting heart rate? If you’re active and healthy ideally it will be in the low to mid 50s. If you’re over 60, chances are something is up.
Are you sleeping less than 7 hours a night? If you answered no, it doesn’t matter what else you are doing.? You will struggle to manage stress and to perform at your best.
In the constant quest to gain your attention, social media pushes the most extreme of everything. This leads to confusion and the feeling like you can never get ahead. I might as well just take a shot to get a few extra pounds off or buy supplements from xyz because they sound smart.
If you take nothing from following Symmetry, know that building a solid foundation will take you further than anything else you do.
What do I mean by the foundations?
1. ? ? Prioritze Sleep!??
If you’re not getting a minimum of seven hours of sleep each night, you’re crushing your ability to show up for your family, your community, and yourself.? Our bodies repair while we sleep, our brain processes information, and we build new neural pathways?
2. ? ? Move Daily?????
I’m not talking about your one-hour workout. If you sit for 8 hours a day, you are training your body to get better at sitting. You need the workout, but you need to move consistently during the day. Get up and move at least once an hour. ?
3. ? ? Eat Real Foods ????
Our culture is stuck eating processed garbage, filled with chemicals, sugar, and oils destined to make you feel like shit.? Fill your plates, with veggies and clean protein sources.? Don’t be afraid to eat fruit and starchy cards.? Stay away from boxed food as much as you can. Do this for a couple of weeks, and you will feel much better! ?
4. ? ? Cultivate Stillness ????
Give yourself at least 15 minutes a day, 1% of your entire day, to shut out the outside noise.? Do a calming breath practice, go for a walk without your phone, journal, or meditate. Whatever practice works for you.? When you first start, it will be very hard to turn off because your nervous system has been on for so long that it doesn’t know what to do!? Stick with it and I promise it will allow you to be calm in the chaos of life.
These four steps are simple but not easy things to do in a society that pushes extreme views and focuses on doing the .001% before even having any of the basics completed. If you’re struggling with any of these, remember you can always begin again.? Life is not about being perfect but about progress.? The key to progress is to build a solid foundation you will have with you for the rest of your life.
If you do these four things, I promise they will improve your life. The choice is yours. Looking for help?? That is exactly what we do.? We are here to help you take back control of your life so you have more time, more energy, and less stress!
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