Are you loveworthy? Exploring the complexities of self-worth.
Shara Prophet, C. Ht.
SE | Sales Engineer | Technical Demos ?? | Sales Acumen ?? | CRM Proficiency ?? | World Traveler ?? | I Help Enterprises Achieve High Sales Performance By Utilizing Technical Skills, and Sales Techniques ???
As we continue our exploration of the #top10 #innerchild issues that affect relationships, next up is #selfworth.?
This is a crucial aspect of our mental and emotional well-being because it is the belief that we are deserving of love, respect, comfort, support, abundance, and happiness.?
However, low self-esteem or feelings of inadequacy can stem from childhood experiences of criticism, neglect, or abuse.?
These experiences can create inner child wounds that affect our #selfimage making it difficult to believe that we are worthy of another’s investment of time, money, attention, and affection.?
One of my clients, whom we’ll call Melonie, gave me permission to share her story. Melonie struggled with low self-esteem for most of her life.
As a child, she was constantly criticized by her mother for not being pretty or smart enough. Which is not true, by the way. Melonie is a total knockout and one of the most intelligent people I have met.
Her father was emotionally detached and rarely showed her any affection. These experiences left Melonie feeling unsure of herself.
As an adult, Melonie found it challenging to believe she was #loveworthy. She entered a #romantic #relationship with an emotionally abusive and manipulative man.?
Due to years of watching her parent’s interaction with each other, Melonie believed that this was the norm and the best she could get in a partner.?
When Melonie came to me, she was struggling to break free from this codependent cycle and was convinced that she would never find true Divine love.?
Through our work together, we explored the childhood experiences that had created her low self-esteem and worked to heal her inner child wounds.
Over the course of 12 weeks, we used various Infinite Transformation techniques, including inner child visualization and journaling, to help Melonie reconnect with her inner child and learn to trust, accept, and honor herself.?
She began to recognize her worth, level up her value, and understand that she not only deserves love and respect from others but that SHE IS Divine love in the flesh!
As a result of our time together, Melonie was able to end her codependent relationship with her Ex and set boundaries with her family.?
She started dating again and found a healthy, balanced, loving relationship with her new man who treats her with the love, respect, and adoration an Empress like her deserves.
I had the pleasure of meeting Melonie’s new beau. And he is a true Emperor if I say so myself. Congrats to you Melonie!! Can’t wait to attend the wedding.?
Our childhood experiences impact our self-worth and self-esteem. Inner child wounds can create feelings of self-doubt, insecurity, low expectations, and inadequacy that affect our relationships and overall well-being.?
However, with the help of inner child work in #hypnotherapy, it is possible to heal these wounds and learn to love and accept ourselves, which leads to healthier, happier relationships.
Can you relate to Melonie??
If so, I invite you to set up a #freeconsultation with me to get more info about my Infinite Transformation session series.?
It's designed to help heal inner child wounds so you can attract a new healthy romantic relationship or renew the passion and deepen the connection in your current relationship.?
Find out now if Infinite Transformation is a good fit for you by taking this quick Inner Child quiz, and then Book a free consultation call today.