If you love new twists on the classics and audiobooks, join me for Circe
I must see this, and if you love the classics, maybe you do too
I'm in the studio recording the audio version of my book, #nonprofithero, and someone asked me to post some of my favorite audiobooks. I'm an inveterate (addicted?) audiofile. I'll go one better than that and recommend you join me to hear Madeline Miller, author of Circe and the Song of Achilles (both on audio) speak next Tuesday at Rosemont College outside Philly. The Song of Achilles is on my wish list, but I recently listened to Circe, and loved it. It reminder me, as someone trained in anthropology, of how circumscribed women's lives have been for the last few millenia, how dangerous any of vestige of their power has been perceived by dominant male cultures. And how difficult, even twisted, love becomes, when powerless, choiceless and tortuously near we are to the object of our affection.
I confess, I've no interest in modern dramas of divorce, addiction and dysfunctional families. Hey, I can get that at home. (Just kidding!) But the same challenges, writ large through eons, is somehow more powerful through the lens of history, yet still resonate in our own lives.
You asked for my audio recommendations, Christine Ostrowski, so here's that and more!