Are you looking 
to support people 
in your region 
to find jobs, 
improve their opportunities 
and discover training?

Are you looking to support people in your region to find jobs, improve their opportunities and discover training?

For those who have followed the Skillzminer story, we’ve spent the last few years supporting employability and skills providers to improve job outcomes for their participants.

In the last six months, we’ve been working hard to develop a new part of our business that will enable us to reach even more organisations, employers and people who need our help.

We’re now working with some of the UK’s most prominent Housing Associations, Local Authorities and employers to help thousands of people across the UK up-skill, find jobs and progress in their careers.

The feedback we’ve had so far has been positive, James Ward, Asset Manager at Barrhead Housing Association, said, “Skillzminer has allowed us to work with our tenants and the wider community to give them access to an intuitive platform that will build their confidence, develop their skills, confidence and ultimately improve their opportunities to secure employment”.

Sean Brennan, Partnership and Insight Manager at ACIS Group, said, “We want everyone to be able to achieve their full potential, and Skillzminer helps us to do that. We’re already starting to see the positive impact it can have on people’s lives by opening up career pathways people had never even thought of.”

We’re changing how people find jobs by matching them with opportunities based on their skills and interests. We’re making it easier for employers to find the talent they need when they need it. And we’re giving everyone the chance to progress in their career by providing access to training and development opportunities.

With access to:

  • 1 million + jobs,
  • 15,000 qualifications,
  • 40,000 online courses,
  • 50,000 resources and;
  • 10 meta skill missions.

The opportunities are endless, and we’re just beginning!

So if you're a housing association, employability provider or a local authority looking for new ways to help local people, we’d love to hear from you.



