Are you looking for love on LinkedIn?
Tom Sorensen, Headhunter
?? Executive Search & Recruitment | We help high-ticket clients headhunt candidates for management positions in Thailand and Asia
You may ask if looking for love on LinkedIn is different from flirting at the office or trying to pick up a date at the company’s annual outing.
There may be romantic chemistry or mutual attraction, but all of them might get you fired and your professional reputation
There are occasional reports and anecdotes scattered across online forums, social media, and blog posts about individuals attempting to use LinkedIn for dating.
These stories often highlight the inappropriate or unwelcome nature of such advances and the negative reactions they may receive from others on the platform.
However, it's crucial to emphasize that as far as we know these anecdotes represent isolated incidents rather than a widespread or accepted practice.
Using it for personal and romantic purposes can be seen as inappropriate and may not be well-received by other users.
LinkedIn is designed as a professional networking platform
What does LinkedIn say about it?
By using LinkedIn for purposes other than professional networking you may violate the platform's terms of service. This could result in penalties, including account suspension or removal.
From LinkedIn Professional Community Policies: Do not use LinkedIn to pursue romantic connections, ask for romantic dates, or provide sexual commentary on someone's appearance or perceived attractiveness. Do not send unwanted advances in messages, posts, or comments or send sexually explicit images to anyone on the platform.
Is your professional reputation important?
Mixing personal and professional spheres on LinkedIn can impact your professional reputation.
Others may view it as unprofessional or question your intentions, which could have repercussions in terms of job opportunities or collaborations.
What is on social media?
To find the most current anecdotes or stories related to using LinkedIn as a dating site, you may want to check recent discussions on social media platforms, forums, or blogs.
Most users on LinkedIn expect and appreciate professional interactions, and using the platform for personal or romantic purposes is generally discouraged.
Keep in mind that individual experiences can vary, and using LinkedIn for dating is not the norm or the intended use of the platform.
How hot should your LinkedIn photo be?
Please, do not ever post your Facebook and Instagram photos on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is not the place to post a selfie of yourself in Speedos swimwear and a lizard on top of your head. Yes, true, I know a LinkedIn profile just like that.
The general expectation is that profile photos should be professional, business-oriented, and reflect a serious tone.
It's not appropriate to use a "sexy" or overly provocative photo on LinkedIn.
Here are some guidelines for choosing an appropriate LinkedIn profile photo:
Using a photo that is too sexy or provocative can be perceived as unprofessional and may not be well-received by your connections or potential employers. It's best to save such photos for platforms that are designed for personal or dating purposes.
Don’t be a moron
In conclusion, it's advisable to use LinkedIn strictly for professional networking and to explore other platforms that are specifically designed for dating if you are looking to make personal connections.
Mixing personal and professional boundaries on LinkedIn can have unintended consequences and may not be well-received by the majority of users.