Are you looking for exposure on TV?
Are you looking for a way to get exposure for your business on TV? Inbox me and we can get your ad or commercial in the rotation for viewers to see. We have the following opportunities:
Banner ads linking directly to your website
Commercials (30 or 60 sec) run for as long as the episode is streaming (iOS, Apple Tv, Roku, Sony TV, and more). When we promote the episode, you get promoted as well.
Show Sponsorship (listed in the show credits, logo, and mentions on social media (25k followers, friends, and connections), plus backlink to your website. So when we promote the show, you get promoted as well.
You can check out the quality of the show at Select one of the seasons and view the episodes.
The Purely Positive Network is in the process of launching two new shows. One show is centered around the arts called Art, Arts & mo' Artz. The artist sends in a 3-5 minute talent video and then during the 30-minute interview, they get to perform live. The second show will focus on authors and give them a chance to talk about their book in a 30-minute interview. We will keep you posted since these are additional opportunities to advertise.
You can also reach us at [email protected]