Is Your Work and Life on Autopilot?
LuRae Lumpkin Inc.
Inspiring You to Transition From Your 9-5 to Regain Your Quality of Life & Time : Founder & Fractional CEO : Startup Advisor : Former NYC Ad Agency Exec
I was stuck in a routine.
Making good money. In a prestigious job.
But I wanted out.
I remember thinking one day, “when will my sentence be up?” My work felt like it was sedating my soul.
I consciously knew that nothing lasts forever, but I had responsibilities and financial obligations that had me like a ball and chain.
I knew I had to carve a path to a different way of making an income, to live a different reality. It took an unexpected turn of events to get me on the path I am on now.
The majority of us get started on a path in life doing what everyone else does.
Go to school, get a job, make money.
Many of us get married, have kids, buy a house, and think that's what you do to “live the dream.”
But what happens when the dream becomes a nightmare?
When we hop on the merry-go-round of life, it’s easy to fall into the trap of living life on autopilot.
Living on autopilot is dangerous because it disconnects us from living in the present moment and ultimately ourselves.
We become numb to our surroundings and our own emotions, leading to a sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction.
Do you find yourself going through the motions, day after day, without truly being present or aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Do you find yourself engaging in behaviors that disconnect you from your body and your true self? Maybe overeating, drinking too much, or scrolling mindlessly through social media?
These truths may make you feel uncomfortable - but keep reading. You owe it to yourself. You can also take the Quiz: How ‘Awake’ Are You?
You have the power to make different choices to live a life you want.
Are you allowing yourself to see and feel the truth, or are you hiding behind a fa?ade of busyness and distraction?
When is the last time you assessed how you’re making an income? Are you passionate about what you do? Or just going through the motions.
Do you have the desire to do something else?
Launch a side hustle? Start your own one-person business?
When we ignore the whispers of our soul, they get louder until they become a scream.
I can attest to that. My body and soul were beyond over with agency work and agency life.
My heart and soul ultimately took me out of the rat race when I didn’t proactively do it.
I got an infection from a cut on my hand at the gym that spread throughout my body requiring IV antibiotics.
I kept working, but as a digital marketer and agency executive I was unable to rotate my wrists enough to be able to use my laptop keyboard without being in pain.
I vividly remember the day the MD told me that I needed to see a hand surgeon asap.
Because I didn’t stop working and traveling when I should have slowed down, the antibiotics had caused tendon tears in my wrists.
I had surgery on my right wrist and was out on short-term disability 6 weeks.
I never went back to the agency or corporate work.
I remember sitting in my car in a Whole Foods parking lot talking to my therapist about what to do next as I thought I was preparing to return to work.
I brought up the possibility of interviewing at the other ‘Big 3’ NYC media agencies.
She proceeded to remind me, ‘you weren’t happy with what you were doing - why would you continue that line of work? Give yourself time to figure out what you really want to do.’
She was right.
I ultimately realized after I did interview with the other agencies, that all they offered was a different office and new title. Same dynamics - just different scenery.
That was in 2015. Since that pivotal experience, I’ve had the most incredible opportunities and fulfilling experiences with independent work in my own businesses. Yes - I've started more than one in the past less than 10 years.
You have the option to transition to something you're passionate about too.
It may mean starting a side hustle. You may need or want to pursue your new venture while you’re still ‘employed.’
Living life on autopilot isn't inevitable.
We can choose to break free from the cycle and start living intentionally.
Every moment we have a choice to be mindful or mindless.
The consequences of not being present shapes the quality and outcome of our lives.
Instead of waiting for the weekends, vacations, or retirement to enjoy life, we owe it to ourselves to find joy and purpose in the present moment - doing work we are passionate about.
By becoming more aware of our thoughts, feelings, and actions, we can start to make small changes that lead to big shifts in our lives.
There’s no place called 'One Day Isle.' One day I’ll write the book, start the business, learn the skill, start the side hustle, go to the gym, eat more healthy, the list can go on and on.
Every moment is an opportunity to be present and engaged with life.
So, are you living your life on autopilot? Only you can answer that question.
But if the answer is yes, know that you have the power to change course and start living a life that is truly your own.
You can take the quiz here to get a sense for where you’re at.
For more inspiration to live authentically and do work you love get the:
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Until next time,