Are You Living Your Dreams or Someone Else's?

Are You Living Your Dreams or Someone Else's?

Throughout my coaching journey, I've become more than a guide; I'm the confidant my clients turn to. Picture me as the steadfast ally by your side, the person you trust to confide your deepest ambitions. Together, we navigate life's hurdles, steering you toward the goals you've set for yourself.

Time and again, I've heard these words from my clients:

"I can't do it."

"I'm not good enough."

"I can't find the time."

Each time these sentiments echo, I delve deeper, urging them to uncover the barriers between them and their aspirations.

And you know what? More often than not, the issue is not what they initially believe. The problem is merely the tip of the iceberg.

Sometimes, I feel like a private investigator on a quest with my clients. Step by step I'm unravelling what's truly holding them back from becoming their best selves.

Here's what I often encounter as the top three blockers:

  1. Fear of failure and the associated humiliation.
  2. Struggles with boundaries and prioritizing others over oneself.
  3. Living someone else's dreams.

Wait, living someone else's dreams?

Yes, it's more common than we'd like to admit. Being entangled in someone else's aspirations keeps us blocked and dissatisfied. Recognizing this is the crucial first step.

I've formulated a three-question investigation strategy:

  1. What excites you about achieving this?
  2. What's your main motivation?
  3. How will your life transform upon reaching this goal?

If, at any point, the answer involves someone other than yourself—like "Because my partner will be proud" or "Because society expects it"—chances are, you're dreaming someone else's dream. It's time for a change this year.

My mission is to guide you toward living your dreams and achieving your wildest ambitions.

The missing edge you need to get things done.

Join Wild Ambition Alliance - a community for empowered women like you.

90 DAYS. 12 WEEKS. 3 MONTHS. No matter how you break it down, the first quarter of 2024 is going to be YOUR time to go after your goal.?

Sign up before midnight on Sunday, 7th and save $100! That's total of $350 for 3 months of accountability, coaching support and network of ambitious women.

Not sure if it's right for you? Book a 15-minute chat with me here.

Are you ready to take the plunge?



