Are You Living the Life You Deserve?
Aleksandra Fayerman
???? Pushing you out of your comfort zone so you could create your dream life | Mindset Coach & Mentor | Tailored 1:1 | 4x Author | Storyteller
My whole life I let others shape me.
I let my parents shape me and my family shape me.
I let my friends and ex-boyfriends shape me.
I let strangers and society shape me.
I let others’ opinions and thoughts shape me.
And I lost myself.
I was thirty years old and had no idea who I was.
I became who I thought everyone wanted me to be and ended up becoming a shell of a person. So, I made the choice to sacrifice everything until I rediscovered myself and learned who I was.
I never could’ve imagined that becoming myself would be the most difficult thing I’d ever do. And thank God for that or I wouldn’t have started. But somehow, I knew it would be the most incredible thing I’d ever do, and still, my expectations fall short of the reality.
I left everything, including a cushy and prestigious career to become an international nomad.
I went from having a closet full of suits to a backpack full of oversized t-shirts.
I went from going into a fancy office or a courtroom to going into restaurants to deliver food all over the country.
I went from having a well-decorated home to sometimes not knowing where I’d lay my head from night to night.
And all by choice.
I knew I needed drastic measures to shake my reality and wake up from the nightmare I had created.
The worst part about the nightmare was, I didn’t know it was a nightmare until I was out of it.
Sometimes, the most painful misery is the kind we don’t even notice until it’s too late.
Until we’re left with no choice but to tear down everything and start over.
And that’s what I did.
One of my biggest catalysts to change was to imagine myself on my death bed looking back at my life and being honest with myself about what I wanted to see.
I realized I wouldn’t care about my bank account, or my professional accolades, or how many degrees were on my wall. I got sad when I started thinking about how much time I was wasting doing things that drained me and being around people that didn’t value me or understand me.
I knew I had a choice to make. And once I made the choice, there was no more Plan B.
I’ve been rejected, ridiculed, and my sanity has been questioned (by family, mainly). I’ve lost friends, family, opportunities, and connections. I’m grateful to say, I regret nothing.
Because what I’ve gained is more than I could’ve ever hoped for. It changed my life. And I couldn’t imagine any other way.
I've gained:
? A powerful, supportive, and loving marriage that grows stronger by the day
? True, lasting connections with soul family around the world
? Unforgettable memories and adventures worth writing a book series about
? A wide and open perspective on other cultures, food, language, people, and governments
? Emotional, mental, and physical health
? Clarity, peace & joy
? An easy and deep night’s sleep
? Freedom
? Youth
? Control over my thoughts and emotions
? Acceptance
? Patience
? Faith
? Perseverance
And so much more…
If you’re still here reading this, and this message resonates with you, it’s a reminder that it’s possible. Anything is possible. And most importantly, you’re worth it.
If you find yourself creating a life that looks good to others but doesn’t feel good to you, it’s never too late to change.
Following others’ opinions and guidelines for a happy life will only result in emptiness and resentment no matter how many times you kick the can down the road.
Eventually, you’ll reach a roadblock. And when you do, you’ll have a choice.
You could either try to push and break it down with force, you could climb over it with strength and skill, or you could pivot to a new path that hasn’t been built yet with curiosity and willingness. It might take longer, and at times you’ll feel lost, but the internal satisfaction and peace will carry you through the journey.
It’s never too late to live the life that you deserve.