Are you living "at cause" or "at effect"?
Maria José Egas Vallejo
Founder of Mind Jolt Academy: Release, Realign, Re-engage!
Are you living "at cause" or "at effect"?
Have you ever felt like life is happening to you, rather than you influencing it??
Do you feel like you're always at the mercy of external circumstances, unable to affect significant change in your personal or professional life??
I know the feeling. I spent most of my life living "at effect," believing that I was a victim of circumstance.?
And I just did what victims do: I took the Victim's "painkiller prescription":
?and the one with the most side effects,
????BLAMED someone or something else for not having what I wanted.?
Blaming weakened my character and distanced me from what I most wanted.?
They say, "The truth shall set you free, but first it will piss you off".?
And the truth was:?
I was at the crime scene every time something went wrong in my life.
I needed to stop looking for a scapegoat.?
I was the common denominator.?
Radical ownership transformed my life.?
As long as I believed someone or something else had made my life miserable, that's all I would see, and that prevented me from dealing with the root of things.?
According to Sean Stephenson, there are two primary ways of living: living at cause and living at effect, as he explained in his book: "Get Off Your "But": How to End Self-Sabotage and Stand Up for Yourself."
Living at Effect:
Living at effect means that you believe external factors are primarily responsible for your experiences and outcomes in life. You tend to react to situations rather than respond with intention and purpose. You might blame others for your failures and feel powerless to change your circumstances. Living at effect can lead to feelings of helplessness, frustration, and anxiety. Sean Stephenson believes that many people are unaware of the fact that they are living at effect because it is so easy to fall into this pattern of thinking. If you identify with this state of being, don't despair. A shift in mindset can help you start living at cause.
Living at Cause:
Living at cause means that you take responsibility for your experiences and outcomes in life. You recognize that your thoughts, words, and actions have a direct impact on your results. You feel empowered to change your circumstances and take intentional action towards your goals. Living at cause also means embracing challenges with a growth mindset, seeing them as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles to overcome. According to Sean Stephenson, living at cause is the key to living a purposeful, fulfilling life.
Moving towards Living at Cause:
The first step is awareness. You need to recognize your current state of being and understand how it impacts your life. Once you gain this awareness, you can start taking intentional, purposeful action towards living at cause. Here are some tips to help you make the shift:
a) Take responsibility for your life. Stop blaming others for your circumstances and start taking ownership of your experiences and outcomes.
This might make you defensive. I get it. I was too. While I was not at fault for some people treating me poorly during my life, I was indeed responsible for how I acted in response to those events in the present moment.
b) Set clear, achievable goals. This will help you stay focused and motivated, and give you a sense of purpose.
c) Cultivate a growth mindset. Embrace challenges and see them as opportunities for growth and learning.
d) Take action. Living at cause requires intentionality and action. Start taking small steps towards your goals and building momentum.
Benefits of Living at Cause:
a) Greater sense of purpose and fulfillment
b) Increased resilience and ability to handle challenges
c) Stronger relationships with others
d) More control over your experiences and outcomes
Radical ownership also means healing from past traumas, hurts, and wounds. As the saying goes, "If you don't heal what hurt you, you will bleed on people who didn't cut you." For me, facing colon cancer was the wake-up call I needed to start healing parts of me that still hurt. I let the doctors heal my body, but I took it upon myself to heal my mind and spirit. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it.
Today, I am the happiest and most fulfilled I've ever been.
So, if you feel trapped, I encourage you to take radical ownership and start living "at cause." That's where your personal freedom and power are.
Living at cause is a powerful way of approaching life, and it can help you live more fully and purposefully. You can transform your life by taking responsibility for your experiences and outcomes, setting clear goals, cultivating a growth mindset, and taking intentional action towards your goals.
Are you ready to start living at cause?
Let's talk: