Are you listening to your intuition?
Suzie Flynn BSc, Dip, Prac
Helping coaches, healers and heart-centred entrepreneurs, like you, move past what’s holding you back, unlock your gifts and start advocating for your success | Coaching & Healing | RISE Methodology
Well all have intuition, that inner guidance from our higher self. But we can easily block it and get caught up in the busyness of running an online business. Sometimes we need to slow down to speed up.
In this week’s blog we’ll be exploring the benefits of slowing down to speed up so you can access your intuition. How listening to your intuition and inner guidance can move your business forward. Lastly, what to do if you don’t trust your intuition and how to rebuild your relationship.
Ready to dive in?
Slowing down to speed up
When we’re caught up in the busyness of daily life and running an online business, we can become addicted to the adrenaline rush that comes with it. We fall heavily into our masculine energy, which is all about doing. But as with anything, we want to create balance, so must also spend time in our feminine energy. The energy of receiving.
When we slow down we get to speed up is something I heard a high performance coach I worked with say to me. Initially I didn’t understand it. Especially with a long and never ending to do list. I was convinced I had to work harder and longer hours to create the success I desired. Nothing could have been further from the truth - all that led me to was frustration and exhaustion as I pushed myself harder and harder!
When I allowed myself to slow down, switch off and just sit and be, things shifted for me. Because it was in those moments that I gave myself permission to listen to my inner guidance; my intuition. Stepping out of the busyness and slowing down was the best thing for me. My creativity increased, my productivity doubled and my mind started to clear. Instead of getting fixated on my to do list, I received clarity on the things I could do to take my business to the next level. Plus I felt so much more peaceful inside.
Listening to your intuition
It’s easy to get caught up in our logical mind, overwhelmed with the to-do list, feeling like you’re never doing enough. But when you think from a logical place you’re not opening up the space to receive guidance from your intuition and higher self. Being logical has its places but when you allow yourself to connect to your intuition that’s where the creativity and magic really happens.
Intuition can show up in different ways and nobody else has YOUR intuition. Here’s some of the ways your intuition may show up for you…
Have you had any of these experiences and did you ignore them or listen and act on them?
Rebuilding your relationship with intuition
If you’ve been ignoring your intuition it can be linked to a lack of safety or trust in yourself. There may have been a time in the past that you listened to your intuition and it led you to an unexpected outcome. One that you weren’t ready for at the time. But know this. Your intuition is there to guide you for your highest and greatest good. But that can mean making decisions and taking actions that will take you out of your comfort zone.
When you listen to your intuition it can take you outside of your comfort zone. Sometimes what you receive through your intuition doesn’t even make sense to your logical mind. It’s natural to feel resistance as you try something new. Because the brain likes the familiar as it feels safe.?
Your intuition will never let you down and sometimes you just need to take a big leap of faith. You may be pleasantly surprised. Just remember, if where you are now is not where you want to be in your life and business, then pay attention to the whisperings from your intuition. Look out for the synchronicities and subtitles as that could be your intuition calling on you to listen.
To build your relationship with your intuition, take some time to reflect on this journal prompt…
“It is safe for me to embrace my intuition because…”
Keep writing until nothing else comes up and remember intuition plus action, equals impact and income. It’s not enough on its own to listen to your intuition, you have to learn to trust it and act on it!
Ready to call in your ideal clients with ease?
If you’d like further support on listening to your intuition to call in your ideal clients and reach your next level of income and impact, check out my free meditation. The Ideal Client Attraction Meditation is more than a meditation. It’s an energetic activation that connects you with the clarity, confidence, and abundance that already exists within you.