Are You Listening To The Static?

Are You Listening To The Static?

I love analogies, they are so powerful! So try on today’s analogy:-

When you’re listening to your radio in the car and it’s imperfectly tuned, you hear static. You don’t put up with the static – you quickly try and tune in to the music. Most people do not know what their music is! Sad but true!

In my opinion, there are only 4 things that disempower a human being: (1) Fear (2) Inner Critic (3) Issues, Problems and Challenges of a negative nature & (4) Confusion – I call this as ‘Human Static’.

  • Fear – a function of being disconnected feeding a past and or future based projection, or both
  • Inner Critic - a function of being disconnected feeding a past and or future based projection, or both
  • Issues, Problems, Challenges (of a negative nature) - a function of being disconnected feeding a past and or future based projection, or both - most of life’s daily dynamic’s can come under this category
  • Confusion - a function of being disconnected feeding a past and or future based projection, or both

If we are to entertain that this might be the case, living a life in tune with the music is a very different life indeed! So what do I recommend:

  1. Unearth what your music is – ie purpose, passion, true north, legacy, mission, vision, calling
  2. Become aware of where your thoughts are focused moment by moment for you are the creator of your reality
  3. Learning how to live in the present moment, after all that’s all there is! The past is but a projection, it cannot live in your future unless you keep putting it there. The future is an illusion, future reality can only manifest from the NOW moment, but for this to occur you have to ‘be here now’.

A high majority of people from the minute they get up in the morning to the minute they go to bed, are listening to the static. A crime of the human psyche. Most people don’t trust their first thought – their intuition. We teach awareness-based training: the ability to be able to bring to someone’s awareness the degree to which they’re disassociated and disconnected. They become aware of their human static, understand why it’s there, realise the impact and cost to their lives and learn how to tune into the music.

We all have a choice. You can either live a disconnected, disassociated life in the realm of meaning, continue to suffer, and go to your grave the same way – or you could realise that you have the power to change this dynamic. Right now, the vehement nature of most people’s resistance lies in the inability to trust the unknown, it’s rife in human society. And yet we were born fearless, connected and intuitive and then forgot. Maybe it’s time to reclaim your birthright.

So when human static is running what can you do? When you feel STUCK, nothing seems to be shifting, what can you do? What I outline below may seem unorthodox, but these actions guarantee results! Tried and proven. Do things differently, get a different result:-

TOP 10 recommendations, in no order of priority:

  1. Go to work on your monkey mind and learn to STOP living into default negative meaning based projections of the past and or future or both – basically STOP listening to the static and start tuning into the music and STAY THERE!
  2. True believer in smudging – we are energy, resonance, vibration – you have to clear your energy field REGULARLY - smudging your office and or home environment with sage, which you can get from a local health shop, is almighty powerful – I as a practice smudge my office and home monthly, full periphery of the house/office, all rooms, self – google all the priceless benefits of smudging with sage
  3. STOP being addicted to SSD – being serious, significant and dramatic when disempowered – you have to learn to lighten up the energy, shift state, stand up, physically change your state, put some great music on, boogie off the projections – life is too short to be so bloody serious – AND the irony, in these moments you are the one creating your disempowered state, so you also have the power to shift it if this is what you are committed to
  4. Get yourself into the sea regularly, it’s the best cleansing agent for energy clearance and is great for healing and your health – if you wish to go one step further, take a spray bottle to the sea, fill it with sea water and spray yourself regularly – powerful clearing agent
  5. Evidence based people are waiting for evidence to show up before they trust – this is the majority. Yet, trust based people know that if they trust the reward will be evidence. If you wish to find new evidence you need to re-learn to trust the unknown, this is where the magic and wonderment for life lives
  6. Identify your goals in all areas of your life, reframe them in the affirmative as if they have already happened, record on audio, and listen to the audio daily without fail – get it into your DNA
  7. Practice Gratitude – read ‘The Magic’ by Rhonda Bryne, 28 Principles on Gratitude, it will change your life!
  8. Honor your morning practices like your life depended on it – make them non-negotiable – practices like fitness, food regime, gratitude, meditation, journaling, affirmations, whatever resonates – but the trick is to be consistent and highly disciplined, not doing your version when you feel like it
  9. Invest into healing with the right practitioner, you cannot put a dollar value on healing – no one is devoid of healing regardless how good your childhood was…transcend the beliefs that hold you back!
  10. Stop using money or time as your relinquishment bucket and hire an effective coach to help you in your reinvention of your life and business, stop tolerating what is not working

If any of this resonates today and you are ready to make 2020 a year like no other, book in for a 1 hour complimentary coach consultation session, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!


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