You Are the Light of the World
ONE OF THE GREATEST BLESSINGS in our sacred art ministry is the letters we receive from you, our customers and subscribers, telling us how the sacred art we offer has made a difference in your lives. Your lives of prayer, worship, and Christian example make a difference in the world today that you may not fully realize yourself – “You Are the Light of the World!” And we are thankful for the opportunity to help make that Light burn ever brighter.
“I have a wall of Monastery Icons in my prayer room. I feel the presence of all of my ‘family,’ as I like to call them. The saints pray with us and these are beautiful reminders of that!” - Cheryl B., Virginia
“I’m grateful for websites like yours. The world needs more reminders of Christ’s presence in it, and easy access to holy icons helps the process.” - Constantine R., Wisconsin
“I need the help of the saints and Christ, and these beautiful icons are exactly the reminder I need that these are real people who are close to God and can really help me.” - Robert P., Virginia
“These gifts are life-changing and worth their weight in gold!” - Karen J., Pennsylvania
With heartfelt thanks from all of us at Monastery Icons,
Brother Simeon Davis, iconographer