Over the last few days I've been mulling over resistance and where it's shown up for me in my life.
How it's stopped me so often from doing the thing that will bring me a sense of catharsis, or purpose, or meaning, or bliss - and with it, flow.
The amount of times it's stopped me writing.
Or working the horses.
Taking a walk.
Even socialising.
Because the voice of resistance has spoken loudest in my mind, or in my heart.
That it's not good enough.
That I'M not good enough.
It could be done better if only...
Someone else has already said or done it.
I should be focusing on doing other work, making money, cleaning the house...
That my energy is better focused elsewhere.
That I need to do something else before I can do it (like put make up on to livestream or find a place with excellent lighting and a cool background).
And it's a lot like dancing with the devil.
It's so seductive, so easy to believe; so TEMPTING to believe because we're told so often there are ways things are DONE and we shouldn't deviate from those.
Or that we actually have REAL responsibilities we must see to and tend to and give our lives to every single day, and only once the to-do list is cleared and all the bills are paid and all our ducks are in a row can we actually turn our focus to our soul, our happiness, our sense of purpose and meaning. To allow FLOW to guide us.
And you know what?
I'm sick of it!
I'm SO SICK and TIRED of feeling like everything else in my life should be prioritised above and beyond ME and MY SOUL.
I've been doing it for years, and the thing with all of the deep transformational work I've done these last few years, is that I'm so much more aware of the patterns, habits and cycles I go through.
I've noticed again how although I thought I'd tamed the beast in many ways - and I've talked about it over the last few years too - I keep uncovering a new layer, a 'new' belief that is masquerading as resistance.
And I've realised the last few days since sky diving that there is so much more to life than seeing the limitations around us. Than spending our time feeling constrained or restricted - often by what others might think of us if we were to press forward in our fantasy land of purpose / meaning / SOUL; of allowing fear to dictate our next steps; of FEELING the shrinking of our very Selves as fear rises up more powerfully.
When you let those fears or limitations win once, today, in a small way, and legitimise them, you shrink; and you will find it easier to allow them to win again tomorrow, and the next day.
Until all of a sudden you've built such momentum in the direction of not allowing, not being, not DOING because of fear / limiting beliefs or whatever it is - that you only see what could go wrong; all the things you have to do; that you live to go to work and pay the bills and then you die.
But if you're anything like me, and so many of my clients are - they just KNOW there are those of us who feel destined for more; who are SEEKING out more.
More adventure, more flow, more soul, more bliss, more deep connection to Nature and the Universe, more energetic and intuitive living, more health, more happiness, more abundance, more ALLOWING...more REAL LIVING.
And in doing so feeling JOY at being alive, no matter what we're doing.
Realising it really IS all a choice of perspective.
The lens you see life through is a choice.
The amount of credit you give Resistance;
the extent to which you allow it to dictate your beliefs, behaviours, and your LIFE -
Is all a choice.
How about choosing to soften your self-talk when Resistance joins the conversation.
Turn down the volume in your mind, so it's like the background noise of a cafe or street, while you bring your focus to what it IS you're creating and what you're choosing to believe that EMPOWERS you.
Ease the edges so they're not so jagged and cutting and ask yourself if you're going to choose to let THIS voice win, or the quiet whisper that is telling you to go for it anyway, because even if you WERE to fail, you'd still be a million miles ahead.
Because when you follow your soul, your intuition, there is NO such thing as WRONG. It is ALWAYS perfect. There is always something to learn, some way in which the experience is strengthening and preparing you for more soul, more depth, more connection, and more flow.
It takes practice - it doesn't happen overnight. And like I said, just when you feel like you've mastered your Self, you'll find another way in which Resistance shows up - either loudly and obviously, or quietly and insidiously.
YOU decide.
PS I'm going to show you how to get more of what you want from YOUR life over 6 weeks starting Monday!
Manifesting Magic is a group program I've created to guide through how to ask, allow, and receive the money, health, relationships, and LIFE you've been dreaming of.
You'll get weekly live videos, Q&A, and a community to share your experiences with, as well as access to a Facebook group where I'll give you extra guidance.
Want in? PM me now to join!