How to Create Engaging Compliance Training: A Film Scriptwriter's Approach
Making Compliance Training Engaging
Compliance training is often viewed as a box-ticking exercise that fails to inspire or engage learners. However, if we think like film scriptwriters, we can use storytelling techniques to create training that is more compelling, memorable and impactful.
Films typically have a limited number of stories that are told repeatedly, yet it is the way these stories are told that keeps audiences coming back for more. By drawing on core scriptwriting techniques, learning designers can create training that is more effective and resonates with learners.
The Four Elements of Scriptwriting
Scriptwriting is a complex art form that is built on four core elements: a clear journey, identifiable characters, strong emotions and rewards. In this article, we'll explore each of these elements and explain how they can be incorporated into compliance training to make it more engaging and effective.
A Clear Journey
A good story always has a clear journey or narrative arc. This provides a sense of direction and purpose, drawing the audience in and keeping them engaged. The same is true of compliance training. By creating a clear journey, we can help learners to understand the purpose of the training and what they will gain from it.
The journey should have a clear beginning, middle and end, with each stage building on the previous one. This could involve introducing the topic, providing examples, and demonstrating how the learning can be applied in practice. By providing a sense of progression, learners will be more likely to stay engaged and motivated.
Identifiable Characters
Another key element of scriptwriting is the use of identifiable characters. Great films have memorable characters that we can identify with or even dislike. This creates an emotional connection that draws us into the story and keeps us invested.
In compliance training, we can create identifiable characters that represent the learners themselves or their colleagues. This could involve using real-life case studies, or creating fictional characters that learners can relate to. By making the characters relatable and memorable, we can create a more engaging and effective learning experience.
Strong Emotions
Emotions are a powerful tool for creating engagement and impact in compliance training. Great films are highly emotional, and by incorporating emotions into compliance training, we can create a more memorable learning experience.
This could involve using humour, shock or even fear to create an emotional connection with learners. For example, a compliance training module on data protection could include a scenario where a data breach occurs, leading to the company's reputation being damaged and job losses. By tapping into learners' emotions, we can create a more impactful and memorable learning experience.
Rewards and Payoffs
Finally, every great film offers rewards and payoffs for the audience. In compliance training, we can provide rewards and payoffs by showing learners the benefits of the training, such as increased knowledge, skills or job performance. By highlighting the rewards and payoffs, we can motivate learners to engage with the material and apply it in their work.
This could involve showing learners how the training will benefit them personally, or how it will help them to achieve their career goals. By demonstrating the practical benefits of the training, we can create a more engaging and relevant learning experience.
Case Studies and Best Practices
One of the most effective ways to incorporate these scriptwriting techniques into compliance training is through the use of case studies and best practices. This involves presenting learners with real-life scenarios that illustrate the key principles of the training.
For example, a compliance training module on workplace safety could include a case study where an employee is injured due to a safety violation, and the company is sued for negligence. This would provide a clear narrative arc, identifiable characters, strong emotions and a payoff in the form of increased safety awareness and reduced risk of accidents.
Compliance training is often seen as a necessary evil, a box to be checked off to satisfy legal or regulatory requirements. But by thinking like a film scriptwriter, learning designers can make compliance training more engaging and effective. By creating a clear journey, identifiable characters, strong emotions, and rewards and payoffs, compliance training can be transformed from a chore to an opportunity for learning and growth.
To sum up, compliance training should not be seen as a boring or repetitive task that employees are forced to complete. Instead, it should be an engaging and enjoyable experience that provides employees with the knowledge and skills they need to perform their jobs safely and effectively. By applying the principles of good scriptwriting, learning designers can create compliance training that is not only effective but also entertaining.
Happy Learning Authoring.