Are you leading or just managing your business (and does it matter)?
If you think and behave like a manager all the time then you will be doing things right as a business owner,
But are you doing the right things?
The right things in business terms are doing it in the right place, focusing on serving the right customers, with the right products/services in the right way all the time.
Cos if you are not doing the right things as above, then at best you are not fully exploiting your opportunities and at worst you are a busy fool or worse! This might be occurring even when you continue to do things right.
To get these big things right and ahead of your competition then you need to think and behave like an entrepreneurial leader, not just a business manager all the time!!
In my extensive experience, very few business owners think and behave like entrepreneurial leaders all the time (or enough of the time). They tend to only do it when prompted! This was sort of okay in the past but in my opinion, is not the case right now for any size or type of business. Given the speed of change and the way, it can reach every part of your market quickly!?
So how do you change to think and behave like an entrepreneurial leader and not stay stuck just managing your business?
Well fortunately neuroscience is proving that you can do it gradually and fundamentally by changing your behaviour and improving your awareness at any age. If you do then you change the way you think and most crucially feel about things. Yep, then the old ‘gut feeling’ really kicks in!! Hence why your decisions about where you trade, to whom, with what, and how, then become highly creative and innovative!!
So these key behaviours and the key concepts that you need to be aware of to help you make these 4 critical decisions are now clearly identified thanks to lots of research. Therefore we can all start if not improve how we think to become better leaders of our businesses!
I would really like to know in the comments whether you think it matters right now as a business owner to be checking and improving how you think and not just what you think?