You are a LEADER

Depending on where you are in your career, you may or may not have ever been called a leader. But make no mistake; you are.

John Maxwell, the undisputed authority on leadership, explains that leadership is influence and influence is leadership.

You have influence. Therefore you are a leader. The sooner you embrace this and give it the attention it deserves, the faster you will grow and change your life (and the lives of those around you) for the better.

Everything you do affects those around you.

Your energy is infectious.

Your attitude is contagious.

Your focus (or lack thereof) rubs off on others.

How you handle adversity is noticed.

Being a leader requires consistent growth. You are either growing or dying; you are growing your impact and contribution or you are decaying to irrelevance.

Our world needs more leaders. It needs you to show up with your best, put in full efforts, lift up there around you, be mission driven, and make a difference. It needs you to be the best version of yourself.

Your future needs you to grow now. To be the best husband/wife, parent, coworker that you can be. What you can become is your potential. And your potential yearns to be expressed. To do so is congruence. To not do so is misery and depression.

Choose to grow.

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