You Are Not Late You Are Right On Time
Kileha Holder
A Biznistry Strategist & Consultant helping Christian entrepreneurs and ministry leaders make a profitable impact personally ??, financially??and spiritually ??all 3 without sacrificing one for the other.
Have you ever felt as though you have missed the boat as though you missed out on your opportunity to do something you really wanted to do??
When I was young I had this dream or memory that was haunting me about a time when I was sleeping during the day and my sister and mother went to the beach without me. I never confirmed or disproved this. But for a long time, I had this “fear” of missing out. Sometimes acting on this fear worked in my favour and oftentimes it didn’t. Either way, I was acting out of fear and that’s not good.?
However, after partnering with God in my business back in November 2019 I’m no longer driven by fear of missing out. He has given me the assurance that He is working ALL things out for my good. I am FULLY trusting Him instead of leaning on my own understanding and as a result, He has been directing my paths straight. And He is showing Himself to be the Good & Faithful Father that He is. Since partnering with God in business my life and business have been prospering.
Now you may have fallen victim to believing that you are too old and have missed your opportunity to fulfill your purpose, or you believe you have ignored God’s call one too many times and He has given up on partnering with you to create a kingdom impact. I am here to dispel this lie.
God is not done with you yet
I have a friend who is in her seventies close to her eighties and she just recently informed me that she taking this new course. She is also an entrepreneur and is constantly looking for ways to serve people. She believes she will live to see 125 and has no intention of stopping what she’s doing. It would be easy for her to say I’m past my retirement years and just sit back and do nothing for the rest of her life but that’s not her.
We also see in the Bible how God enlisted Noah to lead a redemptive movement in a world that was fully corrupted and evil in nature except for him and his family. Noah was 500 years old when he started the project for God. He was 600 years old when it was fully implemented and afterwards he lived another 350 years to the ripe age of 950. Obviously in a time when people lived longer but you get the picture.?
When God assigned this project to Noah he didn’t say but God I’m too old. I’m retired. I’m out of the game of being a change agent. He chose to do all that God commanded him to do.?
You may be at a stage in your life where you feel that you are past your prime. You may think that some of the things you need to learn to operate a bisnistry in this modern world are way over your head and you can never have success as a result of what you deem is a limitation. You may think you are too old to learn new things especially when you see them as too complicated or tekky for you to understand.?
Well, we are here to say that it does not matter how old you are God is not done with you yet. It is not too late for you to be one of the labourers who are about the Father’s business and serving His children.?
You haven’t missed the blessing
There was a time in my life when I thought I would have been further along in life by now, that I would have accomplished much more. So in the past when I thought about what was missing in my life I look back at my life with regret over what I haven’t yet accomplished that I wanted to. And it led me to feel depressed and discouraged. But God revealed to me that nothing is wasted in the kingdom. After Jesus fed the five and four thousand people He collected the leftovers to be used to feed the people again when they got hungry.?
And like Abraham and Sarah who thought that maybe they missed something and they had to do their part to help God fulfill His promise to Abraham we too can feel like we have to do our part to speed up the process or close the gap. Instead, of waiting till the promise is manifested in God’s perfect timing.?
This is perfectly understandable because we feel time-bound to do or have things happen in a specific time period. Yet, we serve a God who is NOT restricted by time because “a thousand years in His sight is like a day and a day is like a thousand years” (Psalm 90:4). God is using the time diligently to allow you to overcome your fears, trust in Him more and to grow your capacity for what He has for you.
You didn’t fall out of favour
In primary school when I got my result from my Common Entrance Exam I was nervous about letting my mom see my marks and the school I passed for because it was not the school we selected. Without knowing it then I thought I was going to fall out of favour with my mom because I didn’t achieve the results I needed to attend the school of my choice. This has made me into a very action-results-oriented person. I would often get caught up in trying to achieve all the things on my list and to achieve specific goals and when I didn’t I felt unproductive and like a failure. Until Good took me through a season of rest where I literally rested during the day and did no work and during those times I received so many revelations and downloads that it made the rest of my day more productive and efficient. He literally increased my capacity to handle more things and help me do things in less time.?
We see in the Bible the story of Joseph who was his father’s beloved child above the others being sold into slavery. He started to have success in his master’s house and then he was wrongfully accused of sexual assault and thrown into prison for about 12 years or so. And it looked like he not only lost favour with his family but he lost favour with God but the Word says God was with him. And even while in prison Joseph God was blessing Joseph. Joseph became a very influential leader during his incarceration. He used his gift of dream interpretation with two of Pharoah’s men and this ultimately led to the one that was restored to his position recalling this when Pharoah was in need of a dream interpreter. Pharoah received tremendous value from Joseph and put him in the second command over everything.?
You may be looking at your performance or lack thereof and thinking that God is displeased with you, so much so that He has given up on you utilizing your gifts to advance His kingdom on earth. Or you feel like you are getting the silent treatment from God. You no longer hear Him calling you to step into the place He has called you to and so you think He’s mad or disappointed with you. But none of that is true. He has never left or forsaken you. He is patiently waiting for you to invite Him in. He is a gentleman so He will not impose.?
Whether you think you are too old, you waited too long to act or what you have done so far or failed to do has caused you to lose favour it is not too late. Jesus says repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent means to change your way of thinking and you can do that at any time. You can do that right now. And you can commit to following through on what God is leading you to do and trust in His perfect timing. If part of that follow-through requires you to get coaching or support then we have a free community where you can receive both. Click the link to join us. We welcome you and there are some amazing bonus opportunities for you when you join us. Don’t let the enemy or what is happening in the world tell you that you are too late because you aren’t. If you are still alive God is not done with you yet because “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).
Hi, my name is Kileha Holder. I am the Christ Equipping Officer of Faith In L.I.F.E and your, Spirit-Led coach and Business Strategist. I help kingdom-minded entrepreneurs & ministry leaders launch, build and sustain a profitable online bisnistry by either providing them with training, helping them do the work or doing the digital marketing work for them. I help them do this without them feeling personally, financially or spiritually bankrupt in the process.