You Know It Perhaps... Or Not!
16 hours of intermittent fasting daily, he informed her. While they were going through their set of clothes, both were delightfully pleased. Their wardrobe was outdated. Tarun had lost weight, looking more handsome & dapper than ever.
Something was changing in her, something was changing in him too. Looking forward to celebrations at home and festivals they both had become kids again-carefree, in love. The last thing on their mind was to run back to their designer.
Right now they just brewed coffee and sat together for hours. Quietly thinking this was so beautiful. At times, she got a little happier, as in his own quiet manner he did small things for them. She also noticed he loved giving her surprises too and observed her closely for her response and reactions all through their togetherness. Uma loved him.
{You might become the next page tomorrow, this is almost dedicated to a person I deeply but quietly love. I know its fate but still, I will tend it. Give it my heart.}