You Know It Perhaps... Or Not!
He would often think to himself about how sweet and limited her world is. At the beginning of their courtship, Tarun actually had doubts. However outgoing he was in his social circumstances, personally he was too balanced and led a disciplined life. He was attracted to her for her open smile and honest approach.
No woman would so smilingly tell him that she is in love with him. They either flirted or wanted him immediately as their prized husband. She wanted nothing of those. He tried, tested and let her be to date.
He is glad she told him very first day about her feelings and stood by them in her own stubborn way. He loves them together every single day. Where is she today?
Delhi... He is missing her.
{might become the next page tomorrow, this is almost dedicated to a person I deeply but quietly love. I know its fate but still, I will tend it. Give it my heart.}