.You have been reconnecting with your desires, visualizing the life you want to live, learning to be, and do, and have differently to create new results, and yet you feel stuck, frozen, paralyzed. Things aren't going like you want them to. Your plan isn't working. You've lost momentum. You can't see the next step to take.

When this happens, you can stay stuck for way too long. Suddenly, you have filled your time and your life with distractions, excuses and obligations. You feel confused without realizing that confusion is a form of self-sabotage.If you wait for confusion to turn to clarity on its own, you will wait a very long time. You thought you were moving forward, there was evidence of moving forward, but...

Did you manage to create some success in your life only to realize now that your success does not align with your core values, that you have forfeited what is important to you, your dreams and your heart's desires, in the process? This happens in the journey of growing and evolving personally and professionally, especially through the path of entrepreneurship, and with those doing spiritual and conscious business.

You've been rolling along, and then something happens. Life changes. Suddenly, you find yourself facing a major life moment or anticipating one, and you come face to face with your utter dissatisfaction at the state of your life. Hey, you are a go-getter, an action-taker, and you are used to digging in and making things happen. So you plod on. Yet, inside nothing miraculous changes. You may even receive awards and accolades, some big paydays, and you have nice things to show for it. When you look around, though, the things you want most are not present, and you can't figure out how to get them.

The solution lies in your energy, in your thoughts and beliefs and in the very actions you are taking or not taking. When you look at what you really want, the way to it at first isn't clear. You must unravel what appears on the surface and dive deeper.Working with energy is amazing. You can literally change your world, and fast. You can create a new life for yourself in just 90 days. The secret to begin to make these shifts and changes is to create joy in your life now, and little by little, the energy of that grows, and things begin to show up in a different and better way, in a new way. The more joy you have, the better things get. And, so on, and so on.

So, yes, it is possible to be moving forward and yet not be able to get where you are going.

You have a choice point in every moment, and every choice you make and action you take, moves you either toward or away from what you most desire. Nothing is neutral.

My Coach's Request to You: Look where you are going. Whatever is showing up for you now is going to continue to show up for you if you keep doing what you're doing. It may show up in different forms, but if you really pay attention, you will begin to see patterns and energies that are in play here.

Take some reflection and meditation time to revisit your core values. What do you want your life to look like? What is important to you?If you first create the vision, then you can create everything else to build and support the life you desire. And that will bring you joy, which will bring you even more of the life you desire, which will bring you even more joy.

If you have fallen out of the cycle of fulfilled desires and joy, YOU can create a better life now. You can make a decision to get moving in the direction of your dreams and desires. Think of steering a large ship or a jet airplane. Working with the energy and momentum that is being created and turning that around can be challenging at first, but once you reset your course, everything falls in line, and it gets easier and more effortless with every mile. And, the most important thing of all is, now you are moving forward in the right direction, and you will be able to get where you are going.

This is the kind of deep work I do with my clients, and I would love to support and guide you to a better life you love and knowing how to create what you need, want, and desire. Let's talk. My DMs are open.????

Ivana Katz

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11 个月

Great share Michelle. Look forward to learning more from you.



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