You just have to learn what your own limits are and deal with them accordingly
I was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease in 2012, just when I managed to enter medical school.
It was news that I never expected.
At that time I was 18 years old.
It was a somewhat difficult time for me since I was too young to understand how to deal with the disease and continue with my studies.
However, I have always been the type of person who never gives up.
So with the necessary care, I continued with my studies.
In 2016 I discovered this beautiful sport, aerial dance and I was fascinated observing everything they achieved.
Doing it was incredible for me, so I decided to practice in the aerial hoop.
I was practicing the aerial hoop for a year, but due to the demand of time, my focus was shifted to study medicine.
I had to stop practicing it for a long time.
In my last year at university, while doing my internship in the hospital, my kidneys failed and I had to start a hemodialysis treatment.
That year was very difficult for me, but despite that and with the necessary care, I managed to finish my year of internship in the hospital.
On March 20, 2019, my dad donated a kidney saving my life.
I am currently 27 years old.
I am a doctor and after waiting for the recovery time from my kidney transplant and having all the care due to the confinement left by the pandemic, I decided to go back to practicing the aerial hoop, which is one of the things that most I love to do.
By telling this story, I just want to say that it is one who creates his own limits!
(Itzel Agurami)