You Just Got Schooled!!!!
Garcia Elementry School

You Just Got Schooled!!!!

Top of the weekend my friends! In Hip Hop, the term “You just got schooled”! Simply means you just got educated with a poignant life lesson!

According to the World’s Education Ranking, America’s standing in Global Education for 2024 is 13th overall. You just got schooled!! The USA falls well behind countries like Germany and New Zealand who ranks in 2nd and 3rd place?with Iceland as the (#1) number one in the world’s overall education rankings.

There’s a old adage my grandparent often used to use which fits this philosophical moment. “A heap see but a few know”! Shall we begin at ground Zero? Did you know that the word “school” has a very interesting history?

We use it in a number of ways, as an institution or group of buildings used for education, a large group of aquatic animals, like a school of fish. And a session for instruction which has even evolved into the slang “you just got schooled”.

In India it’s roots are in “Gurukul”, in ancient Rome it was the “mos maiorum” or the “vir bonus” which relates to a abstract scholar. In China, Confucius has been recognized as their founder of education. However the word and institution of “school” comes from the Greek which originally meant “leisure”. Here’s why?

In Greece to go to “school” meant you could relax with no chores, no crops to plant or harvest, no war to fight or business to conduct. Those who went to “school” were usually the sons of the wealthy. Since what these students learned helped them to become better leaders, wiser soldiers, more deeply religious and better at business. (using written records and mathematical bookkeeping)?

As a result, those first easy going "gathers" grew into our worldwide quest for knowledge. The tragedy is that if you couldn’t pay the cost for that “Chillin” lifestyle quest was exempted from your future.? Many of you reading this fully understand what that means. I sincerely hope you will never stop learning and more importantly strongly encourage those younger than you to do the same. Or as the A.I. Geeks would put it “what you do is good but what you know is the application”! “You just got schooled”!

Let’s review, if Iceland, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, the UK, Slovenia and Australia are the world’s top 10 list (with Canada and Sweden at 11 and 12th) It’s only a matter of time when you’ll experience one of life’s most poignant lessons! Let me say it again “you just got schooled”.? Class is in session. Donut ever for get it!

I Love this! Education/Learning are keys for peace and happiness in my life! Thank you Mr D! ??????????


