You are NOT Their Job. Don't Let Them Change You.
Dr Rochelle Parks-Yancy
Professor of Human Resources; Resume Writer-Slayer; Career Coach; Books' Author; Workshop Leader; Content Creator/Editor; I Am MY #1 Brand; Career Bad-ssery Expert
I don't loan money. The reason why is I didn't like who I became when I loaned it.
Because even if I loaned it to a good friend who I KNEW would pay it back, internally I became someone I didn't like. Every time I talked to them, thought of them, saw their texts, I immediately thought, "They owe me money." Until they paid me back, my main thoughts about them was "you owe money."
I didn't like who I was. So I removed myself from that situation. I don't loan money at all. Will I give a really good friend some money? Yes. And I don't think about it at all because it's NOT a loan.
Is your job changing who you are? I don't mean not liking certain aspects of your job. I mean are you literally becoming another person that you don't like?
Too many people let their job metamorphasize them into a different person. And it shows when their friends stop being their friends, their spouse files for divorce/significant other leaves them (I see this a lot), etc.
Remember: You own you, not jobs that aren't yours at firms you don't own. If your job is turning you into someone you can't stand, you owe you to invest in you and make a change [get another job].
Jobs come, jobs go. You always have you.
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