Will you invest in a game changer?
Great ideas come from a variety of places. Some are easier to recognize than others, but when you know you have a great one. You still have to build a team around it, find team members who are going to support it and be as passionate plus excited about it as you are. Herein there lies problem or solution convincing investors to see the big picture, or opportunity to build together in show business.
Hello, my life purpose is to serve humanity with this idea, To give people a glimpse of the lives of artist life and what it takes to live an extraordinaire lifestyle. No ideas can manifest without the help of others and investors. I thought by representing a project that's aimed at helping other artists would be an easy sell but it's not, I guess if it was easy anybody could do it. These words I write now are a plea for some help, that's a hard thing in the world sometimes asking for help, and hoping not to get critically judge or put down because you have the vision to help others. If you like more information on the project and want to support it please go www.InBetweenUnknowns.com or contact me at [email protected] thanks for the read and I hope to hear from you all soon.