Are You An Inspirational Leader Or A Destructive Leader?

Are You An Inspirational Leader Or A Destructive Leader?

Willena Long is the CEO and Founder of?Career Boss Academy.

Leadership is not a position, but rather a mindset. The qualities of an inspirational leader are not easily gained or maintained, and they require more than just good intentions; they require practice. While many leaders have these personal attributes at their disposal right now, there are others who may need to work on them in order to become truly inspirational.

Inspirational Vs. Destructive Leadership

Before we discuss the qualities of inspirational leadership, let's first talk about what it is not: destructive leadership.

The difference between inspirational and destructive leaders can be summed up in one word: trust! An inspirational leader trusts his or her people to do the right thing—no matter what the situation calls for or how dangerous it may be because they know that everyone has good intentions at heart (even if those intentions don't always line up with project goals). In contrast, a destructive leader only trusts himself/herself because he/she doesn't have faith in anyone else's abilities or motives.

Inspirational leadership is about leading by example. A leader inspires others to work hard, be productive and perform at their best. Destructive leadership is about intimidating others into following orders without question. A destructive leader uses fear, threats, and violence in order to get the job done.

Moreover, the destructive leader thinks they are perfect, thinks they know everything there is to know about leadership, believes their way is the only way (and will force it on others), and has no interest in improving themselves. These types of leaders usually end up being fired or forced out after causing drama within an organization due to their lack of ability at doing anything right.

If you're feeling insecure about your own leadership abilities or your self-confidence is lacking because of past experiences that have left you feeling vulnerable—such as abusive relationships with bosses or coworkers—it's important for you to realize that these feelings will be amplified when working alongside other people who can sense this vulnerability in the first place. When it comes down to it though, being an inspirational leader has nothing at all to do with having power over others; instead, it's about empowering yourself by making others feel good about themselves through actions and words alone (which then makes them want to follow along).

When working to become an inspirational leader, there are a few key areas you'll want to focus on:


You must be present and aware of your surroundings, your team, yourself and your emotions. Inspirational leader is mindful of their strengths and weaknesses. They know when they need to seek out the help of others around them. They are aware that there are some things that they cannot do alone—that it takes a village sometimes to get the job done right!

You must also be aware of what is going on around you as a leader. Are people happy? Do they see themselves as part of something bigger than themselves? Are they feeling empowered or discouraged by how things are going?


Vision is the ability to see the future. A lot of people think this means having a crystal ball, but rather a vision is the ability to see things that others can't see and it's important for two reasons:

  • You're able to guide your company or team in a positive direction.
  • You make life easier for everyone around you by being able to lead them through rough waters.


Integrity is the foundation of a good leader. It means doing what you say and saying what you do. It means being honest and keeping your word. It means not cheating or stealing and not lying to others. Integrity also includes doing things that are ethical and morally right, even if it goes against what someone else wants you to do.


A humble leader is selfless. They recognize their own limitations and know that they don’t have all the answers. A humble leader makes mistakes but does not dwell on them or allow them to affect future performance. Instead, they ask for help and advice when needed in order to improve themselves as a leader and develop their skills.

Security And Compassion

People need to feel safe and secure. People need to know that they are cared for and that they are part of a team. They need to know that their leaders are trustworthy, and will listen to them when there is an issue or concern.

To be an inspirational leader, you need to be honest, transparent and consistent in your values. You should also make it a priority to understand what motivates people to do their best work.

If you want to be an inspirational leader, then you need to have the qualities of an inspirational leader. By following these tips and using them in your daily interactions, you can work toward becoming a great inspirational leader.


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