You or I … Which is Stronger?

You or I … Which is Stronger?

You is.

Sounds funny, doesn’t it?? You is.? But I’m not talking about you personally.

I’m talking about the pronoun you.

Too often, business owners fall into a trap … quite unconsciously.

They want to tell prospective clients and customers what they have to offer, whether that’s verbally or in writing.? And rather than talking almost entirely about what value there is for the client in the relationship, they talk about themselves.

“I’m passionate about helping people do A, B, or C.”?

“I believe in the power of X, Y, or Z.”

That’s all nice, but this isn’t about you.

The focus of your marketing has to be on them … what they want … what they need … what they’re struggling with … what payoffs they can get from working with you.

As such, your appeal should be peppered with the words you and your … not I and my.? Your health and wellbeing, your financial security, your peace of mind, your career advancement.

Is there a place for I and my?? Sure.? In the back seat.? It’s just not what you lead with or emphasize.

What you think, believe, are passionate about and committed to, etc. doesn’t really matter to folks unless and until they see that you can help them with something that’s important to them.

So, when you want to highlight what you have to offer, speak to them … not about yourself.

This is something I find myself helping people with all the time when it comes to editing websites, speech descriptions, LinkedIn profiles, etc.

The good news is you aren’t gonna make that mistake and fall into that trap, because now you know …

You is stronger than I.

Best Wishes,


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About the Author: Denise Hedges is a business development coach and speaker coach with over 30 years experience in sales and marketing. Denise has helped thousands of women business owners, nationally and internationally, move past any uncertainty or fear they have about sales and marketing, so they can attract more clients and make more money!

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