Are you HURTING?
Clay Green
Learn and implement the secrets of successful leaders. Are you in a..., starting a..., or do you WANT - a transition? **I support the US Constitution as a Veteran, and I stand WITH Ukraine. Can't be 'normal' these days.
Bored and ANGRY?
Which is worse, do you think?
When you’re ‘fed up’, angry, or in some way ‘bubbling’ or ‘boiling’ up or over - GOOD!
The WORST is ‘Fine’!
When you’ve adjusted your expectations, settled in and found that wonderfully comfortable, manageable, and adequately rewarding situation… WARNING!
That’s when ‘They’ GOT YOU!
If you’ve got a bit of gumption in ya’ - GREAT! Even if it isn’t joy, bliss, or enthusiasm… YET, it can be!
Once you start having MOTION, you can adjust your direction. You can redirect your energy… but if you’re just sitting there, collecting a check - doing the minimum to get’re toast!
Ironically, I HAD gotten to that point.
My spark was a young lady that I’ll be eternally grateful to - but she is, of course, ignorant of the reason for my gratitude. She has NO idea how it is, does she?
DECADES of trying to get it done. Decades of striving for that elusive golden ring…
I had settled! BIG TIME! 12 hours, 2 days one week, 4 days the next week. Standing by for something to break - then repairing that in a predictable and VERY repeatable way. ‘Working’ a total of maybe 10 hours a week, the rest of the time waiting…
Brain dead…
NOT GROWING. Not pursuing something new. Not chasing my dreams.
I am SO thankful I’m living THIS life now.
What are YOUR dreams? What would YOU like to accomplish in the next 12 months? Next month?
What about the next 12 DAYS??
There are a LOT of people standing by to help you. It’s not as hard as you think. The secrets are OUT there now… this whole ‘internet’ thing has changed everything.
Come get some! :-)
Connect with me here, send a message - I work with elite, experienced, accomplished individuals and help them grow into TRUE MASTERY!
I don't hold hands, I don't coddle you, You will grow further, faster, and deeper than ever before... don't be scared. Others are raving about it!