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Jeremy Tunnell, M.A.
Helping leaders build coherent organizations & cultures by developing resilient & mindful teams - Co3 Consulting | Change Facilitator + Whole Systems Designer + Personal Resilience & Organizational Coherence Coach
It might not feel like it right now, but we live in the most incredible time in history. It really is unbelievable because we are on the cusp of a new way of understanding the universe and ourselves that would propel us into a beautiful way of experiencing the universe around us and each other. It does require something from you and me, though—it requires that we leave this petty, self-serving paradigm behind and see the world around us in a new way.
I realize that the mainstream narrative is that human beings are reaching the height of their potential with microchips and silica-based technological achievement, but we're not. This narrative is holding us back from being what we should be, tying us to a way of seeing the world as a resource we need to control and conform too for our best outcome. These are evolutions of ideas and paradigms that are hundreds, maybe thousands of years old, and it's time to let go.
If you want to understand the nature of the problem and this colonized mind, I invite you to read my other articles. Today, on this day, I want to discuss the solution—the path forward. It doesn't rest in our ability to extract a new resource or vote for a new leader. It's in the way we choose to see the world. It's in our paradigm.
Whether you know it or not, you are indoctrinated into a social and cultural way of existing
I've studied and taught system thinking, complexity, and chaos theory
What is the solution?
Simple, stop participating in it and reach for something higher. "What about my mortgage, rent, car payment, bills, responsibilities, and obligations?" That is certainly one place to focus all your attention. There is another, and those things will take care of themselves.
We are discovering that the universe is fundamentally interconnected and entangled. All the things we call mass, gravity, electromagnetics, or energy—the things that make up our material, external world—are different modalities to a fundamental field of "information," which we all access, upload, and download every millisecond of every day - the internal field. It is called a unified field, and it isn't Woo Woo—it's an emerging science idea that was theorized and predicted by Albert Einstein himself.
Where does this breakthrough scientific way of seeing the universe come from? It comes from observing through a paradigm of interconnection rather than disconnection. If you continue to look through the lens of us/them, right/left, bad/good, wrong/right then you will get more of what you've already gotten. Do you want something different?
Then chose interconnection over disconnection. Our world is how you choose to see it, even if someone else tells you to see it a specific way. Someone like Bill Gates, Marc Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, or Kamala Harris - stop looking at the world they want you to look at and see it for how it is!
The evidence is in every tree that pulls in carbon and outputs oxygen. It's in every particle of light that arrives at your eye from a billion lightyears away; it's in every raindrop that falls on your face, which evaporates from a distant sea and will make the journey back again. See the interconnection of all things, and you will see how futile this way of being is. We can build a different world; you only have to see it.
If you're interested in learning to practice a way of seeing the interconnection
Jeremy Tunnell is an author, facilitator and consultant with Co3 Consulting. Jeremy writes and presents on dismantling whiteness, personal and organizational resilience
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