Will YOU help me make a change in this world?
McCartney Green
★★Christian Speaker-Author of 17 books including...The In Jesus' Name Series★★Mentor and Relationship Problem Solver★ ★★Go to mccartneygreen.org for FREE books★★
One of the best things to help raise your vibration, ground you in love and lift you upward is to give and receive love from a child. Comforting my granddaughter helps me a billion times more than it helps her. Yep, there ARE Angels among us!!
Young ones, who vibrate at an extremely high rate, who are innocence and love personified, who are the closest thing to heaven on Earth, are a balm for everything. Not only young humans, but baby animals too.
When I see images like I did a few nights ago, of those sweet innocent children in Syria who'd been chemically poisoned so brutally, it renews my vows to change the world. But you can't change the world with anger or hatred or by focusing on the problem. You must focus on the solution.
Sometimes we may think, "What can I do? How can I help? I have no resources." But I swear to you, if we could only get through to everyone, that spiritual alignment through my 7 keys to unshakeable joy is a huge part of the answer. Still, though I want each and every one of you to have joy, right now, focusing on just Key number 4, the pulling of light, can change the world. I've been given this key by a Divine Being, and I know it works. But I need help. I can't do it alone.
If I could get a group of a few hundred thousand to help pull light (which only takes literally 2 seconds,) through themselves and the world, I know we can pull enough light into this world to make a difference. That light may not stop the bad guys from hurting people right away. However, it can help the good guys to make the right decisions, to handle things well, to stumble across the correct ideas or methods. Pulling light can change hearts, change minds, ease tensions, ease pain, help heal. Pulling light can change the world.
If you are interested in how to do this 2-second technique, go to www.mccartneygreen.com/freegift.htm and download the 7 Keys to Unshakeable Joy and pay close attention to Number 4. It's FREE.
I look forward to hearing from you. We can truly become warriors of light.
@mccartneygreen #savetheworld #pulllight #callingalllightworkers #savethechildren #hugachild #love