Are you healthy? Check your step count. It’s the secret to accelerate your progress.

Are you healthy? Check your step count. It’s the secret to accelerate your progress.

I love collaborating. My latest partnership happened organically: with my family doctor. She became my “teacher” for learning how to let go of control and as such expand my Personal Operating System from Systematic to Systematic/Organic/Linear: S.O.L. This S.O.L. is a luxury, unlike the one we already know about (lol).

I met her for the first via phone December 1st, 2020 and after seeing two different physiotherapists. I’d hit a wall with my walking. These hips (like the boots ??) it seemed were no longer made for that.

I’ve always been fit and healthy. The pandemic became the blessing in disguise causing me to face my truth that I needed to grow further to accelerate my progress. 19 weeks and a few tests and appointments later, I’ve learned about the value of taking my health one step at a time. I’m now highly specific and concrete when taking notes about my health. This has made it much easier for my doctor to get to know me. 

The inherent teamwork displayed by the professionals I’ve worked with up to now as I wait to receive total hip replacement surgery has been more impressive than I was willing to initially give it credit. Yes, I consider myself to be part of that team. I became aware of where and how I was resisting further opening my perspective to the "one step at a time": linear approach. For one, I had gone into overdrive uncovering the root cause of my hip and back pain... because I wasn’t fully trusting this teamwork — until now. What a difference this is making. I feel freer, more consistently powerful and trusting, and in less pain.

Another collaboration since 2010 when I experienced my first Dark Night of the Soul, has been with my spirit. It's been a work in progress. It unconditionally accepts what is best for me, my future and loved ones.

How is self-congruence beneficial on a big-picture level? — It improves patient satisfaction, success and flow.


