You have to unmanifest your ugh-stuff before you can intuitively manifest your hopes

You have to unmanifest your ugh-stuff before you can intuitively manifest your hopes

For as long as you’ve been avoiding it, there’s really no getting around it. A lot of that stuff you’ve accumulated isn’t doing you any good. It weighs on your mind like a big bag of dirt. You want to get some newer stuff, but there’s no room for it, right?

You have to unmanifest your ugh-stuff before you can manifest your hopes. Think of it like this.

·??????If your closet is already full, where will you hang your new clothes?

·??????If your garage already has two cars, bikes, etc, where will you store that new car?

·??????If you have boxes of stuff crammed into every closet, nook and cranny, where will you… ?

How to unmanifest the material stuff that’s been bogging you down

It’s hard, but you can do it. You have to be strong and ruthless. I did it when I downsized my home. It was tough.

Imagine you’re downsizing to a two-bedroom condo with no garage, no balcony, no patio. If there’s no place to store it in the condo, it has to be donated. Be ruthless. What can you do to help yourself?

  • Ask your BFF to help you unmanifest. Tell her to be ruthless and ignore your whining.
  • Limit yourself to X number of hangers in your closet. You may not buy extra hangers. When you buy that lovely garment that you look so great in, you have to give-away a garment.
  • Do you really need that many winter coats, when you actually wear just one or two all winter? Every winter.
  • The boxes that you haven’t look inside of for … how many years? Take them to the thrift shop.
  • Hobby, crafting and art supplies… We all know that collecting supplies is a hobby in itself. Decide which hobbies you really enjoy, the ones you actually do, and package the rest of them for the thrift shop. Be strong! There’s a budding artist or someone who can actually use your supplies, hoping to find the right stuff. Help them.
  • The stuff that belongs to the kids who don’t live with you anymore? Box it and take it to their homes. Don’t wait for them to come get it, cuz you know how long that will take. You’ve already been waiting a long time.

You’ll meet up with mind blocks. Let yourself feel the emotions. Acknowledge. Breathe. Let them flow through you and out. And then be ruthless.

It takes patience, persistence, and ambition for a simpler life. I did it. So can you.

How to unmanifest the ugh-stuff: the mind blocks

You’ve crashed against your mind blocks in every area of your life, not just in unmanifesting the material stuff.

It's the same with manifesting your soul's life purpose.

You have to unmanifest your mind blocks in order to open space for the change you've asked for.

What you’ve been doing: Collecting the ugh-stuff. The Linear Path.

The college degree or training. The Job that matches the degree or training (or not). The love relationship that became the expected marriage. The house, car. The kids and dogs and cats. The expectations and obligations. The burdens. The mortgage, the car payment.

And now your spirit is crying out! It’s weeping from lack of attention. It’s crying for air. “I just want to breathe!” you cry.

“I just want 5 minutes to myself. That’s it. That’s all I’m asking for. Just 5 minutes!” ?heard in a restaurant.

OMG, I’m almost crying, sobbing, and weeping just imagining what your spirit has been going through day after day. I know because I’ve been there, done that.

Ideally, spiritual manifestation is a journey you go on and engage with every day. This is the true nature of finding your soul’s life purpose.

“To experience” is required. Notice that “to experience” is not the same as help wanted ads stating, “experience required.”

No, spiritual manifestation means that you gather experience as an everyday part of your journey, like wandering through a fragrant garden and choosing flowers to arrange in a beautiful vases.

To be successful, to receive your desire, you need to have a clear vision of your desire AND you also need to take action, to journey along with it.

The secret: What does success look like from the intuitive, feminine energy point of view?

It looks like knowing your truest self, better than you know your BFF. It looks like expressing your true self, the real you, the part of you that you want to share through your creativity, your hopes and dreams.

Since it might not be so easy to step off the linear path, make time and space to listen and trust your intuitive, feminine energy. Follow what feels good and wants to happen.

I’m not advising that to divest yourself of all that you have accumulated in the way of material goods and their attendant obligations and payments. (Although if there are some you can get rid of, you might put some thought into that. Do you really need three car payments? Do you really need the big house when a smaller house would be comfortable?)

Abraham-Hicks is always saying that whatever you do needs to ‘feel good.’ Therefore, feeling good is key.

So how do you start feeling good when what you really feel is stuck in a rut?

Call upon your intuitive, feminine energy

Get comfortable with the feminine.

·??????Imagine your feminine energy as a spirit being, an avatar, a goddess, a tree, a rose bush. Whatever works for you. Call upon her for anything, everything.

·??????Let your emotions flow. Cry during sad movies.

·??????Go to the art museum, the botanical gardens. Breathe deeply as you enjoy yourself.

·??????Rescue your crafting and art supplies and set up a corner just for you. Then create something every day. Even if it’s just a scribble or some pretty papers pasted together.

·??????Instead of throwing ingredients together for a meal, prepare your food mindfully, being present in the moment. Notice the lines and grooves in the vegetables, the color and texture. Be thankful for the sustenance this food gives you and your family.

Your routines are essential to your well-being

Sensitive people like us are constantly being distracted. Busy people like us have way too much to do. There are too many demands on our time and attention.

The solution for helping you balance it all is to create a routine. ?For example, I have a morning routine which includes a meditation ritual, a mental review of my to-do list, shower, and breakfast.

It helps me stay on track and get-done what I want to get-done that day, with a reminder of what I want to get-done that week or month.

(Laughing at myself here) For example, if I don’t shower soon after I get out of bed, I’ll find myself in my pajamas LOL turning on the shower at 3pm. Because as much as I enjoy the soothing sensation of running water on my skin and a relaxing scalp massage, once I get started writing, or working on my to-do list, I have a hard time making myself stop, lol.

Are you ready for the Boldest Quest of your life?

What would your life be like with a counselor who can see your potential? A guide who can push the re-set button when your mind blocks set up camp on your path?

What could your life be like when you have a counselor who has a proven system for shining the light on your path, a system that will boost you on your quest?

A system that will stop you from running down the wrong road or turning around and going back, wasting your time and resources.

Are you one of the bold questing women who dares to rearrange her thoughts so you can seek your potential?

Worried that it won’t work? It will. You just need a trailblazing coach in your corner with fantastic tools to help you customize your transformation.

If searching deeply inside yourself for the truth of who you truly are, connecting with her so you can express your real self, is an interesting challenge - then you might be ready.

Let's connect and chat about your unique ‘before & after challenges,’ and how you can do it, too.

In the meantime,

Lotsa hugs,

Peg McMahan, HHP, CHt, LMT

Be a Goddess! You have potential for ? a satisfying career ? strong relationships ? good health habits ? a delightful love life. ? The stuff of life that feeds your soul.???


Peg McMahan, Fantastic Hypnotherapist Psychic的更多文章

