You Have TWO Options
Gerda Muller
Allied Health Private Practice Business Consultant. I help you build a Self-Running Practice, giving your more time and financial freedom, as you help more people in better and more effective ways.
Like or not..
You only have two options to choose from.
You keep going on your current oneway pathway towards eventual burnout.
Not sure if you are on this pathway...?
Well, this pathway look as follows...
You feel like you are stuck on a hamster wheel with no off switch and it is just a matter of time until you come tumbling down.
It feel like no matter what you do or how much you do, it is never enough and you are just spinning your wheels with mud, dirt and grime as your only outcomes.
You know you are doing your best, but it just feels like nothing is ever enough.
With option O.N.E. you are CHOOSING (because, yes, it IS a choice) to stay on this pathway where you continue to throw just more of your own time and energy towards moving your practice forward.... And it does not take a genius to know that eventually it IS gonna run out and then EVERYONE is gonna loose.
Your kids.
Your spouse/partner.
Your team.
Your clients.
So stop being a martyr and start considering another option.
That brings us to option...
This is where you bite the bullet and put your money where your mouth is....
That is, you stop preaching to everyone ELSE about self-care and burnout prevention and start taking some of your own advice.
You stop expecting miracles from yourself...
News flash: You are only ONE person so stop freaking expecting yourself to do the job of 3 other people whilst trying to build your practice.
So again...
Put your money where your mouth is and invest in getting you the support you need to build your very own ULTIMATE private practice - whatever that is for you.
For me, the ULTIMATE private practice is one that gives me (you read that right, it GIVES ME)...
* Time freedom
* Money freedom
* Choice
* A Sellable Asset
* A REAL Business
And today I have just that.
I have not one, but two, 7-figure group private practices - practices that has allowed me to help more people in better ways.
But I'm gonna be very honest with you when I say that I could not have done it without the support of my:
- Principal Psychologist
- Clinical Team Leader
- Practice Manager
- Accounts Person
- Personal Assistant
- Husband
- Business Coach
That is, a TEAM of people behind me that supported me every step of the way.
So when you look at what I have achieved and you judge yourself for not being here yet, please ensure that you are comparing apples with apples.
This apple over here had LOTS OF HELP.
And if you will let me, I am happy to share with you how I finally allowed myself to get the help and how I set it all up.
On the 11th of September @ 11:30am (QLD Time) I am running a first ever training called The Management Team Trivector (via Zoom) where I will take you through how I set up my first Management Team and how it evolved and grew over the years to the amazing team it is right now.
A team that allows me to live more than 6 hours away from my brick and mortar practices.
A team that has allowed me to build COMMERCIAL Goodwill in my practice (instead of PERSONAL Goodwill) which has doubled the value of my business.
A team that only takes up 1 hour of my time a week !!!!
Allowing me to focus on my genius zone.
As part of this training you will also get:
1. Job Description for a Principal Psychologist
2. Job Description for a Clinical Team Leader
3. Job Description for an Accounts Officer
4. Job Description for a Client Relationships Team Leader (i.e. Practice Manager)
5. Template of the Monthly Report that I receive from my Principal Psychologist each month
Just the above documents alone will already MORE THAN cover your investment for this workshop.
As my web developer is currently completely overhauling my website, I don’t have a webpage for this, so if you have any questions about it which I have not answered above, please email [email protected].
However, if you are ready to build a sellable asset that can run without you, then book your place by signing up here:
Yours in Private Practice Success,
After starting her PhD on the topic of "Psychologists as Practice Owners: Current Challenges, Coping & Success Predictors", Gerda was appalled at the lack of support for Allied Health Professionals going into Private Practice and decided to do something about it.
This was the start of Private Practice Success Australia.
E: [email protected] | W: