You Have To Triple-Bag Them
To my surprise, the temps actually managed to get above sixty degrees in our downtown around mid-afternoon, which definitely made for another delightful day in North Iowa.? Considering we're already half-way thru the month, I'm hoping it'll remain this way until December arrives. As we all know, the more bearable days we have before the hard freeze arrives, the shorter our winter will be, and that'll be just fine by me.
It definitely was a busy day, and since I had some personal errands to run before my morning appointment, I put myself in high-gear from the moment I arrived at office.? Luckily I did manage to get everything I wanted done before I had to meet my buyers, so the remainder of my day ended up being fully-focused on real estate.
The showing didn't go as well as I was expecting, but at least it was the first one of likely a number of others we'll be viewing before they find what they're looking for.? Since I've worked with that charming couple in the past, it'll continue to be a pleasure working with them once again. I'll always be in disbelief over how much the husband reminds me of my dearly-departed sister who's never been far from my thoughts. Of course they already know I'll do everything I can to help them find their new home.
Before heading back to office, I stopped at Taco Tico and grabbed something small for lunch, and since I was burning calories early this morning, I knew I had to get something in my stomach before I headed over to my open house at 315 Parkridge Drive. Believe it or not, I didn't even have time to go thru all the news feeds, so I'll be all the busier reading them tomorrow morning.
My open house attendance was far greater than I was expecting, and as chance would have it, one of the buyers I showed it to back when I first listed it, happened to show up, and it didn't come as a surprise when finding she was liking it a whole lot better than the first time she looked at it. Considering how long they were there, I'm hoping it's a good indication she'll be calling me to make an offer on it.
Soon after each group walked thru the front door, I was quick to mention all the big-ticket items that've recently been updated in the home which included the high-end Pella Windows, newer kitchen, updated bath, new carpet, fully finished basement, and its American Waterworks system which has a lifetime warranty. If a person added an egress window in two of the finished rooms in its basement, it would become a five bedroom home which would definitely increase its value. As far as I'm concerned, that home is far and above the best to be had in its price range.
After my open house was over, I picked up my signs and headed back to office and dropped them off before I was to drive out to the east-side to meet with a group of relatives who were wanting to see the home I sold to one of their family members this past week, and just as I was unlocking the door, they started to arrive.
We ended up being there much longer than I was expecting, and only because after they got a good look at it, we began talking about old classmates, the crazy-funny things that people would do back then, along with cracking many jokes about those who thought they were the cat's meow.
One of them asked me how I've managed to stay in shape, and wicked me, in the most serious tone replied, "I have a darkened sub-basement chamber where I have a coffin filled with about four inches of black dirt where each night, I go and spend about fifteen or twenty minutes, and then I get out and head back up to bed." Oh did I get the looks after saying that. Too funny! Now seriously, don't you think we should all start finding more things to laugh about?
Before closing my office up for the day, I called a gentleman to come and pick up an electric heater I agreed to loan him for several days, and only because his furnace went out and the HVAC person couldn't get there until Monday morning. I assured him it was working just fine because I started it just before he came to pick it up. Well, about an hour later he called insisting it didn't work, and after about a two second pause, I asked, "Did you flip that big red on/off switch at the back?" Of course he didn't see it. Don't you sometimes wonder how many in our general public can't seem to get thru life without having one un-necessary crisis after another? Once again, I blame it all on the internet and social medias they've got themselves plugged-into day in and day out.
While visiting with a customer today, she mentioned the problems she had with those Japanese beetles eating the leaves and flowers of her Magnolias this past growing season. She did mention having finally taken action and purchased those traps they sell, which did help. Of course we both had a good laugh over how horrible those bags of dead bugs can smell to where you have to triple-bag them, just to keep the odor from leeching out. Any of you who've had to replace those filled bags of bugs with new ones, know exactly what I'm talking about. I did assure her that we'll be plagued by them every year until they find a way to fully eradicate those vile insects.
It's been another shocker for me when seeing all the Christmas decorations being installed in our downtown, along with the various markets, already having Christmas trees, wreaths and ornaments on display for purchase. My gosh! Back when I was growing up, we didn't even think about Christmas until Thanksgiving was over. For what it's worth, I'm still of the belief, the true meaning of Christmas is long-forgotten.
Tonight's One-liner is: You are only rebellious in the eyes of those who cannot control or manipulate you.
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