If you have it, you will have to raise it!
??So when I first said “if you have it, you will have to raise it”, what was the first thought that came into your mind? So basically, I was talking about a “voice”. Small word right! But, deep meaning.
?????????????When I talk about voice over here, it is not only about anything specific or anything based on any specific topic it is simply about us! Do we raise our voice? If we talk about equality, freedom, liberty, society, etc.
?????????????What we really do? Do we really stand on our thoughts? Do we raise our voice on our points? Just a simple question to yourself do we take the stand for our own identity? Just give a second and think about it. Today we live in a society where we see depression, suicide, rape, murder, acid attacks and many more things. Did we ever think why these things even exist? I personally never taught about it until it came on me.
????????????Yes! It’s true I have been one of these not 100% but almost I was almost about to be raped last week. Sounds bit weird right! How can I write about it so openly? Is it easy? To be honest it’s not I still have marks on my neck. Sometimes this incident scares the hell whenever I think about it , even now I am not ok. But, at the same point I feel I am lucky that I jumped from that rickshaw that day. God knows what would have happen that day.
???????????So it was last Thursday, when I went out to meet my friends and as you guys must have read my article must be knowing that I am not allow to take scotty, because of my not so good history with scotty I went with rickshaw as always. While I was coming back it was around 6.15 I took rickshaw to head back home and as we all know that in November days are small so my sister asked me to come back home early. I took a rickshaw and it was empty I got happy that I got rickshaw, I will rich home on time but trust me that was the longest path I ever went through. Everything was normal for next 5minutes, I texted my best friend and from next stop one men waved his hand for auto its normal right! that’s exactly what I thought and after that, I just kept my phone In my pocket and after a few seconds all I could think of was the way to jump out of the rickshaw, the person sitting next to me was totally almost on me trying to get a control on me and I was fighting hard jump out of the rickshaw. To be honest I was clueless, I still have those marks near my neck, waist, shoulder, hands that he gave me, while I was trying to save my self and the moment I jumped out of the auto all I could think of was the way to get back home. What was the worst part after all this there was no one who could come forward and help me, after some time one lady saw me and came to me for help but I was so afraid that I was unable to trust her as well and somehow she convinced me to drop me nearby my locality, I called my sister to come and pick me she was terrified and you know what was the worst part me explaining them what exactly happen again and again to my sister, to my brother, to my badi mummy and to my best friend and to be honest for me it was like living that moment again and again.
????????Do you guys know what I did next! Nothing because I was in shock, I didn’t knew anything about rickshaw and today I regret that I didn’t raise my voice on it I could have gone to police station and complaint about it but, I couldn’t. I felt so weak that I was depressed. I even think that will I ever bee ok.
???????Guys after this one terrible incident I realized how important it is to raise your voice and fight on it especially when you know that you are not wrong. Guys I am not talking this only from “feminist” point of view, I am talking about the mindset. If people have wrong opinion about you they will have it anyway but that doesn’t mean that will stop to leave because that I was wearing that day a simple jeans t-shirt and jacket and a scarf on my face than also it happened with me why because of mentality yes because even today there are people who think that short cloths attract men’s. Men’s are never molested just because we don’t here many cases about it, it doesn’t mean that that it don’t exist it does. It’s not because of their cloths it’s because of their mentality. Even if we talk about depressed people even they are afraid to talk about their real cause of depression. Why??They are afraid of what we will judge them. So when you have your own thoughts you will have to stand on it no matter how bad things would get because at the end of the day the pain you have gone through will be worth it. I didn’t stood on my voice but that doesn’t mean I am against it I just don’t want any one reading this do the same mistake that I did .
“your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life don’t be trapped by dogma- which is living with the result of other people’s thinking don’t let the noise of the others opinions down out your own inner voice and most important have the courage to follow the heart and intuition”?