If you have a problem that is eating you up inside.
James Lewis
Inspirer | Master Communicator | Facilitator | Course Designer | Coach | Writer | MC | Artist | Endurance Athlete | Connector
If you have a problem and it is eating you up inside, here some simple tips on what to do:
1Tell someone you trust about it, and break the cycle of silent suffering. This is the biggest and most important step.
2) Join a group - there are many groups out there, and many people are attending groups regularly for almost every conceivable issue under the sun. You are not alone! Group work is one of the most powerful ways to support yourself through your own journey.
3) Find ways to start helping other people who may be battling with similar challenges. There is nothing quite as powerful to help confirm and strengthen your own resolve.
4) Start journalling about your own journey, using this daily practice to connect with your thoughts, feelings and actions. Being aware of these is critical to being able to monitor your own progress. it also provides a space for you to create your future reality.
5) Consider working with someone one on one. I have found working with a coach or a therapist to be very helpful, even life changing.
6) Practice speaking about your issue to people you trust and consider part of your inner circle. You need to be able to talk about this, and in turn your friends need to understand how to support you. Educate people about what you need from them, and don’t assume they get it, because often they really don’t.
7) Take responsibility for your own recovery. You know what you need to get well, so lead the way, and try not to rely on others to make you better, because they can’t. You are the lead in your own story.
I hope these help.