You Have Only 3 Months Before Your Best Team Members Leave You

You Have Only 3 Months Before Your Best Team Members Leave You

With the end of the year fast approaching, high performers are reflecting on their career paths and potential for growth. If they’re feeling stagnant, overworked or overlooked, you may only have a few months to keep them. Studies show that year-end is prime time for employee turnover, especially among those who feel their talents are underutilised.

Why does this matter? Retaining top talent is one of the biggest challenges for leaders, and most costly processes for companies, yet it’s often avoidable. High performers crave meaningful work, growth opportunities, and leaders who recognise their contributions. If your team members don’t find what they need with you, they’ll find it elsewhere.

Tip for Leaders: Conduct a “Career Check-In” in the next few weeks. Be proactive about understanding your team’s career goals and find ways to align them with upcoming projects or development opportunities within your organisation.

If you want some great resources to help you improve your team meetings grab my free leadership resource stack I share with my VIP coaching clients.


Alexandra Joy
