If you have Linux and have not heard about Dirty Cow, then you are vulnerable to its effects.
I’m not sure that anyone can explain the Dirty Cow vulnerability better than KONSTANTIN RYABITSEV from Linux.com already has in his article on Oct. 24th. If you are not up to date on the Dirty Cow epidemic and its effects on your Linux OS here are some things you should consider. (https://www.linux.com/blog/how-bad-dirty-cow)
At Cynch we understand that our team is responsible for the well-being of each and every one of our clients. Immediately upon learning about this critical vulnerability in the Linux OS, our team of administrators jumped into action. Cynch Inc. managed customers are not charged on a per incident basis, so they had no need to report this, they are given unlimited access to our proactive team of experts. They are made aware immediately when critical situations exist that could be detrimental to the well-being of their business operations. In the case of Dirty Cow, our customers were alerted to the situation within moments and made aware of what steps would be required to put them back in good standing as quickly as possible. All of these services are part of what it means to be a Cynch Inc. managed customer, with no additional cost or risk to your business.
As you can imagine this was no small undertaking from our Linux team. The fix required that each server and virtual server be updated individually. Our Linux team worked around the clock creating scripts and processes to ensure that our managed service customers were safeguarded as quickly as possible. Regardless of what host or service provider their infrastructure relied upon, they were fully supported. When the dust settled Dirty Cow ended up being a blip on the radar to our customers because they were protected by their team at Cynch.
If you are a Linux user and have not shielded your business against the Dirty Cow vulnerability, don't wait any longer to contact us!
Written by:
Bryan Montalvo
Sales Director at Cynch Inc.